Recent content by Jimmy29687

  1. Jimmy29687

    Got the job!

  2. Jimmy29687

    Songs to run lights and sirens by

    My Hoopty-Mix a Lot
  3. Jimmy29687

    Test tonight...

    way to go! Keep it up the good work...
  4. Jimmy29687


    usaf...why? is there better place for this post?
  5. Jimmy29687


    Jackie and Airwreck, I'm starting B in January as well here in Greenville, SC. We will be using "Brady-Prehospital. Maybe we can start a study group somewhere here on EMT Life?
  6. Jimmy29687

    Studying before school starts

    I'm starting in January also. I have the books for the class, but what is a "Tabers" book? Jimmy
  7. Jimmy29687

    What to expect in EMT-B clinicals?

    Picked up my books yesterday. Gonna need a forklift to carry them! "Prehospital Emergency Care" 9th edition with workbook.
  8. Jimmy29687

    What to expect in EMT-B clinicals?

    I think its 200+ here too
  9. Jimmy29687

    What to expect in EMT-B clinicals?

    TCD, I will be starting also in January. I went through the same class in 04 but due to job change I had to stop. I did make it through the clinical portion. The school required 40 hours on the truck. Where are you located? I'm in South Carolina. Jimmy