Recent content by GFD940

  1. G

    O2 Regulator for CPAP

    What you are looking for is a regulator with a DISS port. It is the threaded connection on the regulator which delivers 50 PSI. I would also recommend a quick connect kit. This way you can quickly connect to your onboard O2 with minimal interuption in treatment. If you are looking at the...
  2. G

    Where can I get EMT shoes in NY?

    Also, check out EMS*USA. They carry Bates, Converse and 5.11 for $10-30 less than Gall's for the same boots.
  3. G

    HeartStart MRx Monitor/Defibrillator?

    The Philips demo I played with had 1 set of wires for the limb leads and a separate wire for the chest leads. There may be a different set up out there, so KEVD18 correct me if I am wrong. The Zoll 12 lead works off of 1 set of wires by plugging the 12" chest lead cable into the limb lead set...
  4. G

    HeartStart MRx Monitor/Defibrillator?

    I use Zoll M series on a daily basis and love it. I have had the opportunity to demo the Philips some. I didn't like the 12 lead cable setup as much as the Zoll. Also, the it was a good bit larger, comparable to the LP 12.
  5. G

    IV Tricks

    The best tounequet I have found is a BP cuff. It works better than any rubber ones and you're putting it on their arm anyway. Also, to avoid "blood letting" be sure to place your thumb where the tip of the catheter is. My partners tend to place pressure just below the hub and end up with a...
  6. G

    EMS Shirts

    The 5.11 gear is good though it is designed more for use by law enforcement. It is what the FBI and Secret Service wear. The boots are nice too. EMS*USA carries it as well and they give quantity discounts if you're outfitting a dept.
  7. G

    Non-Latex Gloves

    Nitrile gloves tend to tear because the material lacks the elasticity that latex has. If you want to avoid developing latex allergies down the road, check your glove's spec sheet for the latex protein level. It is the latex protein that causes the allergy. Digitcare's Barriermax and Halocote...
  8. G

    PulseOx for BLS, I need reasons!

    Don't the ER docs complain about not having an initial O2 sat? I know most of mine like to know what it was prior to us loading them up on O2. Then again EMS was going on 20 years ago before we had pulse ox.
  9. G

    MAST Trousers

    Our protocol allows them as a last resort in a suspected AAA. A pelvis fracture is the best use for them. If you use them for hypotension from any trauma all it does is push what little blood is left out the holes.
  10. G


    Hey, If you like the Ambu Perfit Ace but don't like the price, go to EMS*USA and find your local rep. If your service contacts them, they can quote you a better price. Possibly less than $6 each.
  11. G

    PDA's in EMS

    A private I worked for tried to implement electronic reporting on PDAs. If you were not familiar with PDAs it took FOREVER. Thank goodness it never made it past the trial stage. Now they've got 25 PDAs sitting around collecting dust.
  12. G

    Anyone using capnography?

    We use it extensively at our department. We have Zoll M series monitors with mainline capnography built in. We do RSI here which makes capnography a must. It is pretty limited in full arrest situations. Dead people don't put off too much CO2 whether you are in or not. It will help to tell...
  13. G

    Buying An Ambulance

    Make sure when you are working on the specs that you think about what your department needs. The specs for my department are done by 2 guys that don't ride the rig. The result is a rig that isn't practical for the ones that do work on it. Before you purchase, get references from the dealer...
  14. G

    Check out this AED

    Heartsine has a new AED out called the Samaritan PAD. It looks pretty good and is designed for the layperson. Check out the interactive demo at It weighs only 2 lbs. and the pads and battery come in one piece.
  15. G

    Question: ALS Treatment

    If you sit on scene very long the pt. will be TTJD