Recent content by FLMedic311

  1. FLMedic311

    Newbie: What to do about feeling carsickness in back of ambulance?!

    Chewing gum or ginger candy can help. I have been doing this for 16years now and although it has gotten better for me it has never gone completely away 😔
  2. FLMedic311

    Sorry! as you can tell I am not super active but I come by once in a while to see whats going...

    Sorry! as you can tell I am not super active but I come by once in a while to see whats going on! Whats up?? Feel free to ask away, I will try to be more active the next couple of weeks to see if you reply! Take Care
  3. FLMedic311


  4. FLMedic311

    Rocket League

    Anybody else around eher addicted to this game?
  5. FLMedic311

    Any king county medics on here

    Yup, go right ahead..
  6. FLMedic311

    Seattle medic one

    I would still say the trend is upward! But of course that is, "in my experience"
  7. FLMedic311

    Struggling with King County Medic One

    So it is clear that the gangs all here! We have had this back and forth many of times, so I don't have much more to say. This is not me trying to get in a last word but I would like to respond to a couple of things, so I am sorry if it comes off that way. When did I ever imply that things...
  8. FLMedic311

    Struggling with King County Medic One

    As I read the comments here it hard to just remain silent. I think I try to remain objective, while also understanding that as long as I am employed here it will never be viewed as such. With that said I agree with @NomadicMedic and that unless you have worked here you should not be passing...
  9. FLMedic311

    Struggling with King County Medic One

    Hey there, I just want to say that as a KCM1 paramedic I do not condone poor treatment of any EMT, Firefighter, RN, Tech or anyone for that matter! @NomadicMedic and I have have had conversations about culture around here in the past and present. I would stand by my opinion that the...
  10. FLMedic311

    Training Equipment

    Thanks! I will look into both of these
  11. FLMedic311

    Training Equipment

    Anyone have any guidelines that their dept uses for determining how often they replace manikins for ACLS or otherwise? Also how many IV attempts do you believe you get per IV arm prior to changing out skin/veins?
  12. FLMedic311

    California Paramedics Hourly pay

    I just posted on the hiring board. King County serves south of Seattle Washington. Also here is a link to our website. Of course, if you have any other questions let me know and I will be happy to answer them.
  13. FLMedic311


    SO.. A little late with posting this so I apologize but we are hiring as many as 5 candidates this year here in King County Washington! The process closes on March 31st so there is still time to get your application in. Also, you will need to schedule to take a test with the PST Network here...
  14. FLMedic311

    California Paramedics Hourly pay

    Come check out King County and make +45/hr, and getting 500+ hours of OT is easy
  15. FLMedic311


    Yes it is true that the 3 years is a firm time frame. But I think the practical test is not until May which could qualify you. I would suggest calling HR and verify. I will ask someone about it tomorrow and if I get more I will message back. But remember the app and PST must be completed before...