Recent content by EMTlash

  1. E

    Acute coronary syndrome /MI/STEMI and Oxygen administration

    If it helps the dyspnea, based on experience, I'd say its fine, but the book does say that O2 is not beneficial for a PT you just talked about, however, does it provide comfort at times? Yes. So again if in resp. Distress, depending on its severity, I'd say it is fine if not and the pt has no...
  2. E

    Capnography for EMT-B, a useful tool?

    Capnography could be great as you said if you know how to read it but it can definitely help with unconscious pt's, OD's, and almost anyone with respiratory distress.
  3. E

    Transfer of Care Concerns?

    I always give as through of an report as I can and there has been times where my partners tell me that they dont need all that info or that they already got a report. But you know what I love to do through assessments so I do check lung sounds and Pupils therefore I include everything in my...
  4. E

    A little help for the new EMT?

    I thought he was going for a UTI gone Kidney Infection, since kidney stones are really an emergency but again anything could be an emergency I guess :)).
  5. E

    AMR San Diego 911

    Since we get overworked we ask for a fatigue break and they have to give it to us, this would be the only down time. SD is really busy.
  6. E

    IFT or 911?

    Do 911, more fun and if you are not gonna be in EMS for long you are gonna get the best out of it.
  7. E

    What to do

    I totally understand you and have had the honor of working with a bunch of ignorant EMTs that do not even touch the pt. My best advice could be to first try to avoid working with them because something will eventually go wrong if you start your shift with a negative attitude and a distrust in...
  8. E

    Rookie question on DNRs

    No problem man I'm sorry I should have worded it better
  9. E

    Rookie question on DNRs

    I personally wouldn't but I have seen some BLS units doing it
  10. E

    Rookie question on DNRs

    DNR's are always in the grey area, like almost everything else in EMS. But if the pt codes and you are a BLS unit w no medic on board then you would get ALS and the Base and start and then go from there. But usually BLS units do start a full work up.
  11. E

    New EMT-B first job

    Be friendly to dispatch they could make or ruin your day
  12. E

    27/100 medical conditions/ an EMT should know (help me add them)

    Triple A Commotio cordis CAD Croup Epiglottitis Emphysema Pregnancy complications SIDS Schizophrenia I mean no matter how much we learn there are way too many more to learn good luck.