Recent content by BlueEMT

  1. B

    How to make your paramedic not hate you

    You are just getting started. You should already know your BLS skills. Learn where everything is on the unit. Assisting with the advanced procedures will come with time.
  2. B

    Disturbing call. more disturbing family responce

    Man, if you're going to last in this job field you are going to need a supportive girlfriend/wife. You need someone to be understanding. Sounds like this isn't the one.
  3. B

    How soon after Your emt class did you take the nremt b?

    I would take as much time as you think you need. If you feel you are prepared, take it right away. If you think you need some time to study, take that time. I waited about a month and a half after the class was over to take the test.
  4. B

    In NC what is the difference between advanced emt and intermediate?

    From what I understand the only difference between the two courses is the AEMT has more emphasis on medical emergencies. Still the same skills though. But here in Houston there are many private organizations that offer EMT-B to Paramedic courses.
  5. B

    In NC what is the difference between advanced emt and intermediate?

    In my area they don't offer the EMT-I course its only AEMT. Most community colleges require AEMT before going to paramedic.
  6. B

    Aemt/i Pay

    In Houston the avg pay for basics is $11-$12, AEMT is $14-$15, and paramedics start off around $18 and up.
  7. B

    what to expect

    The best thing you can do is read! Read a chapter ahead of the next lecture so you are familiar with the content. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure.