bdoss2006's latest activity

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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Blood pressure.
    I’m certified and have been for months. There are no instructors to ask.
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Blood pressure.
    Well, I’m 18 and every ear exam I’ve had has been perfect, so I don’t think that is the problem. Yes, I know it doesn’t go in the...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Blood pressure in EMS Talk.
    Anyone have any tips for hearing blood pressures? I have a horrible time hearing them. I have a Littman classic iii stethoscope. I don’t...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Shortness of breath in EMS Talk.
    What should you do as far as supplemental oxygen if a patient has a normal spo2, and no obvious signs of hypoxia/dyspnea, but complains...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Supplemental oxygen in EMS Talk.
    What all conditions require supplemental oxygen regardless of spo2 or presentation? I assumed most everything depended on spo2 or...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Pleural effusion in EMS Talk.
    Should all pleural effusion patients receive supplemental oxygen, or just if they are hypoxic?
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Medications.
    Not in Virginia. We can administer Epi, glucagon, oral glucose, Zofran, duoneb etc. whether it’s their medicine or not. We have a...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Medications in BLS Discussion.
    What do you do if someone has took a BLS medication (Zofran, Benadryl, albuterol etc.) prior to your arrival, but still needs more? How...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Shock in BLS Discussion.
    Does all types of shock cause low etco2 or just septic? If it’s just septic why is that? I know a lot of stuff uses etco2 of <26 for...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Assessment.
    You don’t know the “basis of my thought process” from only a few questions. I’m just trying to ask these questions to get a full...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Assessment.
    Don’t tell me this field is not for me. That is not for you to say.
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Assessment.
    That makes sense, but I guess what I don’t understand is why would you really need to catch something when a doctor is going to be...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Assessment in BLS Discussion.
    I’m having trouble I guess understanding the purpose of some of the history taking at a BLS level. So for example, if you had some one...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Head injuries in EMS Talk.
    What symptom differences are you going to see in a concussion, vs a subdural hematoma, vs an epidural hematoma, vs a subarachnoid...