Recent content by 3ccadena

  1. 3

    Med Care Ambulance in San Antonio, TX

    They are similar because the owner of ambtrans and the owner of Medcare are Wait for it.... dun dun Dunnnnnn... Brothers Seriously though they are brothers Mitch (owner of Medcare) told me him Ans his brother started them also its dumb because they DONT HAVE ANY EMS BACKGROUND NOT WVEN A...
  2. 3

    Med Care Ambulance in San Antonio, TX

    well I guess when u look at it that way technically I should get volunteer credits then since I wasn't getting paid half the time and I would have rather just stayed at my house than that tiny rundown "rentfree" living space haha u have a very positive outlook on life I hope that sticks with u...
  3. 3

    Med Care Ambulance in San Antonio, TX

    Don't do it!!! Medcare was the first place I worked at as a basic at the age of 19 and let me tell you it sucked so much! I was one of 2 girls that worked there and was partnered with a guy who did not know boundaries I repeatedly asked to be switched partners but from what I heard he kept...