Bad Blood between the emt and the p all input is appreciated


Forum Probie
There is to much bad blood between the basics and paramedic's where I work. We are a private transport service that runs ALS units.

I am a 3 year old Paramedic who hasn't worked as a P anywhere else, but who spent my basic life in a high volume 911 service where I am pretty sure that I've seen everything at least once even if I didn't know what it was at the time (except for those elusive purple unicorn calls)

As a 911 basic I was support staff. No 911 call except 'I ran out of my meds today and need a new prescription from the ED' were ever run by basics, but I never had an issue with being bored or not getting to utilize my skills. I was truly my partners partner. I took pride in the fact that they could always without hesitation know that I was going to do what I needed to do and that they could concentrate on the P stuff. I loved being a basic... I truly didn't want to be a P. I made more than some of my P's (don't tell them that) Then I did it I got my P and changed services after moving just before testing my P.

Now I have B's of my own, this is what I'm dealing with.

Oh you don't know that piece of equipment on the truck even though its part of your scope?
Oh you don't need to check off the truck, you were here 4 days ago and I'm doing it anyway?
Did you really just suggest on 2 separate occasions that our perfectly fine pt had s/s only a brain dead pt would have... out loud... to the RN... after interrupting my report?
Did I hear you right when you said that you would not listen to anything I try to teach you because I was not the training officer?
Did you really think I was over reacting when I told you that we couldn't take lol out of the ED even though her BP was 65 systolic?
So pop quiz diphenhydramine is what? Yes, a drug. No, we do carry it. Yes, its in a basic protocol. Yes, I'm sure!

Oh so you've been an EMT for 6 years... and you think I'm a bully, and condescending and that I step on your toes and have no right to do anything or ask any questions because I should have faith in you as a basic and as my partner because as your partner my only job to perform while you have patient care is to assist you in any way that you see necessary unless of course it pertains to providing the appropriate level of care and I must deduce this by not talking to the patient or the nurse or listening to the report or looking at the paperwork or asking you questions or assessing the pt because it is your call and you know how to do your job and don't need me to look over your shoulder because it hurts your feelings and you don't care if I do it because you have yet to show competence because it is not my job? Well I apologize let me know when you feel over whelmed and want me to step in, and please in the mean time will you be mentally preparing my petition to MY medical director (because as a basic you don't have one, I don't know why, but you operate under my license and I operate under med controls) not to tear up my ACLS card when things go south and maybe also consider getting on with a basic service so you can arm wrestle for seniority or maybe even go for your P. Thanks.

I wanted to blame this on being an IFT service instead of a 911 service but I've known B's in 911 that are the same. How oh how do I deal with this.

I'm not talking about the incompetence, that I know how to deal with. The animosity between the B's and P's is bad... I don't know how to appease them and make them happy – er so as to have a better working environment while still making sure that the pt is receiving the level of care that the pt needs. I am not worried about making friends but I don't want to make enemies, and I am grossly outnumbered in this day and age where a white man, accusing another white man of discrimination is going to get the full court press my job is on the line, all they have to do is call me bully enough times.

The only thing I have been able to come up with is being a narc and writing them up for every little thing in hopes that I'm not burnt at the stake alone, since corporate surely doesn't want to 'burn em all' please offer some advice on how to handle this, I'd really like some B's input. Just because I am saddled with the bad apples doesn't mean that I'm not aware that there are more goodones than badones. I'm a black cloud for partners. :-(


Forum Probie
You're a 3 year old paramedic? You must be great with peds!


Forum Captain
I'd make the 3 year old joke but I think I'm late to the party. I'd also give input but I got lost in what exactly you were trying to say... Mostly what I gathered was you have no trust in EMT-Bs because they are a lower level provider than you. I understand double checking your equipment on a rig, or reassessing what came as a BLS call, to make sure it shouldn't be run ALS, but your distrust sounds like an issue as well as whatever it is being directed to you from the EMT-Bs.

And how does an EMT-B not have a medical director and operate under your license? As far as I'm aware it doesn't work that way, we have protocols and work under medical direction as well...

If you could clarify some of your rambling I will gladly give more input, but what you said is confusing.


Forum Asst. Chief
I'll be blunt: it sounds like you need to loosen up or you'll be miserable and make everyone around you miserable.
Your partners probably discount your concerns because you're always overreacting out about something (The Boy Who Cried Wolf, if you will).

If this isn't the case and they really are ALL just incompetent (which is statistically unlikely), then the advice still applies, even though you may have more reason to be upset.

Ewok Jerky

Maybe try stop being so condescending?

Maybe you have ****ty partners, maybe you don't, I don't know all I'm getting is your side of the story. But if I had a newly minted paramedic come in to my service where I have been working for years as a basic and order me around and give me the attitude you have in your post, I would not be all nice and cheery for you.

There is a difference between bossing and educating. There is a difference between being friends and treating someone with dignity and respect.

Also, where do you work that basics can give benedryl without medical direction?


Forum Deputy Chief
To the OP, since you're asking for advice, the first thing I'd suggest is go back and read your post, then imagine you're an EMT, and a medic wrote that complaint about you. What impressions would you have of that medic? Be honest with yourself.

If you were having a bad day when you wrote that and you'd change it if you could, no problem, everyone has those moments. If you don't see any issues with what you wrote, I doubt if any comments from us will fix things for you.


Forum Asst. Chief
There is to much bad blood between the basics and paramedic's where I work. We are a private transport service that runs ALS units.

I am a 3 year old Paramedic who hasn't worked as a P anywhere else, but who spent my basic life in a high volume 911 service where I am pretty sure that I've seen everything at least once even if I didn't know what it was at the time (except for those elusive purple unicorn calls)

I do not know why people keep using this line. The older one gets the more you realize you will never see everthing.


Just reading your sound hostile, and angry and i probably wouldnt want to listen to you either.
You say you saw nearly everything as an EMT which is fine and dandy, but at 3 years of being a medic, I reckon you still have a lot to see, care for and manage as far as patients go, and if for NO other reason than to make your life easier, get a long with your EMT.
Its not that hard, and yes you probably are taking yourself too seriously.

"Theyre just IFT"---and so are

Take a chill pill


Forum Lieutenant
The only thing I have been able to come up with is being a narc and writing them up for every little thing in hopes that I'm not burnt at the stake alone
I'm sorry, but the fact that you would even suggest resorting to that pretty much explains your entire dilemma. Yeah, we all get stuck with sub-standard EMTs from time to time, but the way you articulate your points shows that you're THAT condescending overzealous partner that no one wants to work with.

Stop taking yourself seriously and life will be much easier for you. Not to mention the fact that this is an IFT company to boot. I don't mean that in a condescending way but on the same coin there is no reason to be as anal retentive as you are if you're doing nothing but transfers.


Californian, Lost in Texas
My awesome partner dragged my brand-new ambulance down the side of a fence yesterday. I didn't get mad. I just adapted.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Oh so you've been an EMT for 6 years... and you think I'm a bully, and condescending and that I step on your toes and have no right to do anything or ask any questions because I should have faith in you as a basic and as my partner because as your partner my only job to perform while you have patient care is to assist you in any way that you see necessary unless of course it pertains to providing the appropriate level of care and I must deduce this by not talking to the patient or the nurse or listening to the report or looking at the paperwork or asking you questions or assessing the pt because it is your call and you know how to do your job and don't need me to look over your shoulder because it hurts your feelings and you don't care if I do it because you have yet to show competence because it is not my job? Well I apologize let me know when you feel over whelmed and want me to step in, and please in the mean time will you be mentally preparing my petition to MY medical director (because as a basic you don't have one, I don't know why, but you operate under Ymy license and I operate under med controls) not to tear up my ACLS card when things go south and maybe also consider getting on with a basic service so you can arm wrestle for seniority or maybe even go for your P. Thanks.

The button next to the question mark will place periods into your tale. That would go a long way.

Anyway, if this is your attitude, you've found the problem. Also I have never heard of EMTs acting under a paramedic's license. Yes, you are responsible for overall patient care, but if your attitude is one that the EMTs work for you, that's an issue. If you're partners do not ever feel like they are part of the care team, how do you expect them to contribute?

I'm not talking about the incompetence, that I know how to deal with. The animosity between the B's and P's is bad... I don't know how to appease them and make them happy – er so as to have a better working environment while still making sure that the pt is receiving the level of care that the pt needs. I am not worried about making friends but I don't want to make enemies, and I am grossly outnumbered in this day and age where a white man, accusing another white man of discrimination is going to get the full court press my job is on the line, all they have to do is call me bully enough times.
I don't think you know how to deal with incompetence based upon your posts in the slightest. You appear to consistently fail to have meaningful interaction with your partners, otherwise they would not continue to do things that bother you. As soon as you say "I'm not looking to make friends," you become unlikable. Good luck getting people to respect you then.

The only thing I have been able to come up with is being a narc and writing them up for every little thing in hopes that I'm not burnt at the stake alone, since corporate surely doesn't want to 'burn em all' please offer some advice on how to handle this, I'd really like some B's input. Just because I am saddled with the bad apples doesn't mean that I'm not aware that there are more goodones than badones. I'm a black cloud for partners. :-(

Yeah, not a good idea. There are other ways to deal with things, I guarantee it.


Forum Lieutenant
Me and all of my partners have always had an understanding.

1) Truck is the basics responsibility. If the basic thinks there is an issue with it mechanically or otherwise it's not questioned as the basic knows how it should operate normally.
2) Everything in the back is both our responsibility. We work together to make sure it's properly stocked.
3) Patient care is first and if the basic feels the medic missed something the basic can speak up without fear of the medic being a ****.
4) If one of us doesn't know a piece of equipment on our rig we work together and learn.
5) You can discuss freely any issues without fear of reprisals.
6) We are a team and not working against one another.
7) Before any administrative punishment is pursued we talk about our issues and if all else fails then write ups are a last resort.

To be honest you sound like you have an ego problem and feel like you demand respect. Respect is earned not demanded.

Trauma Queen

Forum Crew Member
From the sounds of it, you're the reason you deal with "bad blood" between EMTs and paramedics. Respect is mutual, and you sound like a real terror to work with, so no wonder you're having bad experiences.

Just because you're a medic doesn't mean you're done learning. And it especially doesn't mean that there is nothing you can learn from an EMT. At 3 years you're still a baby medic. And judging by your statement that you've seen and done "everything," you seem to be a whole lot more inexperienced and close minded than you think.

Settle down, don't get so bent and flustered, and breathe. You're going to give yourself an ulcer if you keep this up.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Me and all of my partners have always had an understanding.

1) Truck is the basics responsibility. If the basic thinks there is an issue with it mechanically or otherwise it's not questioned as the basic knows how it should operate normally.
2) Everything in the back is both our responsibility. We work together to make sure it's properly stocked.
3) Patient care is first and if the basic feels the medic missed something the basic can speak up without fear of the medic being a ****.
4) If one of us doesn't know a piece of equipment on our rig we work together and learn.
5) You can discuss freely any issues without fear of reprisals.
6) We are a team and not working against one another.
7) Before any administrative punishment is pursued we talk about our issues and if all else fails then write ups are a last resort.

To be honest you sound like you have an ego problem and feel like you demand respect. Respect is earned not demanded.

Just wanted to reiterate this.

I truly didn't want to be a P.
I am not worried about making friends

I think I found the root of your problems.

The only thing I have been able to come up with is being a narc and writing them up for every little thing

So you're writing up your partners for every little thing they mess up on? And you're wondering why theres bad blood? I would be flat out lying to you if I said after 3 years of being an EMT that I don't screw up every now and again. Its not the mistakes that get you, its how you learn from them so it doesn't happen again is what matters.


You're stuck w/ me now (insert evil laughter here)
Now... I'm just a student... but, now please correct me if I'm wrong... isnt this supposed to be a "team" effort? Not just in EMS but with police and fire as well? Last I heard, there was no "I" in team. Hold on, let me check..... I have to still see if my Bachelor Degree in English still works...


Nope! No "I!"


Forum Lieutenant
My guess is you are insecure regarding your own level of competence as a medic.
That looks to be a fair assessment. Her post implies that she's never even worked 911 as a Medic while in the same breath perpetrating a persona of someone that has seen and done a little of everything. That sounds like a wee bit of a stretch by anyone's imagination...