Dr. Oz how to save a life-what would you do different?

I would have had them quit smoking 15 years earlier.
oh, and i am referring to the second time through, not the first when the women is panicking.
her chest compressions in that first runthrough are AWESOME.
I'm going to thow up.

Nitrates for asystole! Why did I not think of that before? Thanks Dr Oz!!!
Nitrates for asystole! Why did I not think of that before? Thanks Dr Oz!!!

thank you smash! and most people pass out in the bathroom because it is the morning? and put aspirin and nitro under a unconscious dudes tongue?
and most people pass out in the bathroom because it is the morning?

Of course! But that's cool, because they totally wake up when you start CPR. On the off chance that they don't, the ambulance will show up and shock them out of asystole...
Of course! But that's cool, because they totally wake up when you start CPR. On the off chance that they don't, the ambulance will show up and shock them out of asystole...

huh? who knew? i though "camode codes" came from stimulation of the vagal nerve as elder pt. strain to pass a stool.

And yeah..... shock them out of asystole
Don't worry, you'll learn all this when EMS starts requiring college degrees. :P

I wish Dr Oz was my medical director, that would be cool. We could all be on TV helping kill people!
I love this. It's like 'the price is right for medicine' when she comes running down with the lights flashing and everyone waving in the air. Golden.

You reckon I could get CME credits from watching his videos? I've been pushing uni to give me credit for all the scrubs I watch, but this is a whole new thing.

And when people peg out, giant ECG readouts appear in front of you so that you can tell the dispatcher that they are fibrillating.

Does anybody else think he looks like the characature of Bob Hope from Family Guy?
Don't worry, you'll learn all this when EMS starts requiring college degrees. :P

Oh snap!
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And when people peg out, giant ECG readouts appear in front of you so that you can tell the dispatcher that they are fibrillating.

houses in australia don't have that? geez, talk about living in the dark ages :P
I love this. It's like 'the price is right for medicine' when she comes running down with the lights flashing and everyone waving in the air. Golden.

You reckon I could get CME credits from watching his videos? I've been pushing uni to give me credit for all the scrubs I watch, but this is a whole new thing.

And when people peg out, giant ECG readouts appear in front of you so that you can tell the dispatcher that they are fibrillating.

Does anybody else think he looks like the characature of Bob Hope from Family Guy?

Oh snap!

or as that lady excalimed "he's ferbilating!!"
So, if most people go into cardiac arrest in the bathroom, why are most of my arrest patients found in the bedroom? And, if "the paramedics" can usually shock any patient back into a rhythm, why do most of my arrest patients not get any better?
So, if most people go into cardiac arrest in the bathroom, why are most of my arrest patients found in the bedroom? And, if "the paramedics" can usually shock any patient back into a rhythm, why do most of my arrest patients not get any better?

beacuse we are not "America's Doctor"