FDNY EMS Candidates

I would question the legality of this practice. Is pay different? Schedule? Does it have the same promotional opportunities (Fire)?

NYNJ, where and who did you hear from that they will, "send a whole bunch of people to EMD in jan/feb"?
I would question the legality of this practice. Is pay different? Schedule? Does it have the same promotional opportunities (Fire)?

NYNJ, where and who did you hear from that they will, "send a whole bunch of people to EMD in jan/feb"?
It's the same civil service title, pay and schedule. The only difference being that you're inside for your tour with scheduled breaks. You can still pick up shifts on a bus as overtime, though with the constant supply they have at EMD it might not make much sense. People in the field can not pick up shifts in emd. Medics can't be assigned to emd. It is not easy to get out of EMD to the field once you're there.
It's the same civil service title, pay and schedule. The only difference being that you're inside for your tour with scheduled breaks. You can still pick up shifts on a bus as overtime, though with the constant supply they have at EMD it might not make much sense. People in the field can not pick up shifts in emd. Medics can't be assigned to emd. It is not easy to get out of EMD to the field once you're there.

So if it is the same civil service title, you are still eligible to take the promotional exam to Fire right?
They can not deny you a promotion. Everyone who attends the academy has the same training as anyone in EMD. There were only about 5 people from my class who went to EMD. The reason you can't do an overtime shift in EMD is because chances are you don't know how to use the computer system or dispatch ..
They can not deny you a promotion. Everyone who attends the academy has the same training as anyone in EMD. There were only about 5 people from my class who went to EMD. The reason you can't do an overtime shift in EMD is because chances are you don't know how to use the computer system or dispatch ..
Was it their choice or were they mandated by Fdny ....
This is not a new thing. EMD is one of the six places you can get sent to out of the EMS academy (the other 5 being divisions 1-5). Every class has some people who end up going to EMD, it's just that supposedly, this next class will have more than the usual amount going to EMD.
so if they have academies in january and febuary, will they be about halfway through the list before the April academy?
So if it is the same civil service title, you are still eligible to take the promotional exam to Fire right?

Don't let em know that you're taking the back door. Lol it'll make your time there miserable
Was it their choice or were they mandated by Fdny ....

I've heard they were mandated.
I'm sure if they mandated two people, and two others in class said we wanna do end, they'd switch. I'd sure they rather have someone who wants to do it rather than someone who doesn't care and is looking for the first chance to get out
I would question the legality of this practice. Is pay different? Schedule? Does it have the same promotional opportunities (Fire)?

NYNJ, where and who did you hear from that they will, "send a whole bunch of people to EMD in jan/feb"?

I heard pay is higher, which is why people stay there, don't quote me on that.
I heard from people in the current class and people on streets. There is no civil for it, nor any hiring, hence why they use emt-s from the academy or people on light duty.

Its hard to get out of dispatch, I'd quickly sign up for a medic class, and within a year I'd be out of emd and into a higher pay bracket (:
At my medical yesterday they said there will be a February academy, nothing about a January one.
And that was from Frank head of BHS.
Don't let em know that you're taking the back door. Lol it'll make your time there miserable

The "backdoor" is not the sole reason for me wanting the job with EMS, and I will not widely publicize my interest in it. Though, due to the courts involvement in the hiring process for fire and the test being one you can no longer really study for, I think there will be an increase in the number of people taking this route to get to fire.
To be honest .. no one really cares who wants to go to fire ... yeah don't walk in and yell it on your first day .. but all in all everybody can really care less
And that was from Frank head of BHS.

I've heard so many different things about when the next academy is, from way too many different people. I'll believe what I hear when I get the call
The "backdoor" is not the sole reason for me wanting the job with EMS, and I will not widely publicize my interest in it. Though, due to the courts involvement in the hiring process for fire and the test being one you can no longer really study for, I think there will be an increase in the number of people taking this route to get to fire.

Its been like that for a long time. It was mostly used by minorities to get into fire, now that the test is easier and there's a quota, the ems way will be used by white guys and girls
So I spoke with some people today. On the third day in the academy, you're given a sheet, you have 6 choices, each borough and EMD. You pick from fav to least fav. Some people pick EMD as first, and some have it as their second or third choice and most as the last choice. That there fills up the need for EMD. Unless they need more they will randomly pick people. You also have the choice to switch with a classmate, they do their best to accomodate and not put people who dont want it. If you're put into EMD randonly and want to leave, you can, they try not to hold you, even though they can delay your paperwork, but eventually you'll be switched to the road and they will fill your spot with someone who wants emd. So its not so bad for us,
Anyone know the deal with Emd? Like can they also do mutals (16 hour shifts) and if so are you able to sleep there?