which ONE


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please someone give me some good advice

Hi everyone this is my first time. I have a hard decision to make and no one i know seems to give me the right answer so i thought i try here. I'm faced with the decision of choosing between two EMT jobs. One is really coo, but is an hour and 40 minutes away from home, they work with my school schedule, pays sucks at first but turns out to be 36000 a year after training with 24 hour shifts, and has a possibilty to relocate to a station that is an hour away. The other is amr, pay seems to suck at first, wont work with my school schedule. But the thing is that someday I could possible work in my hometown, which would only be down the street and the fact that maybe I could become a paramedic through amr in the inland empire. I have a ton of fire experience, i want to finish school and some day recieve my degree to have soemthing to fall back on. I want to become a paramedic and I also finally work for a municipal fire dept.So my question is which one should I choose? Should I choose the one who is going to work with my school and then become a paramedic? or should I choose the one where i have to quit school, but i'm closer to home and possible be a paramedic. How exactly should i go about paramedic school? does amr sponser you or is better to pay your own way? I've heard good and bad things about amr? is amr a good company to work for. I know it's alot, but that's how i am, i overthink things to make thewise and best decisions becuase this is going to stir my career down a road where I want it to go. So please someone please help.
I don't know AMR but I do know about being strung along and long commutes.

Do not depend upon employers to furnish training vital to your future. Line it up for yourself and if they want to help pay for it, fine.

The longer the drive the more likely to be late for shifts. You will also cut into your school and sleep time with a commute and pay for the gas and upkeep.

You sound young. Working in your home town will seem much less important to you once you get out and about...other than knowing the streets for driving purposes.
I'm not going to tell you what I think you should do. In this situation I'm going to tell you get a couple of sheets of paper and divide each into two columns marked "pro" and "con" on each sheet. Write the good and the bad about each situation. Which ever has the most in the "pro" column, there you go.
Go with the one that works with your school schedule. Continue to goto school while working, if you can.
I would agree with doing he pro's and con's list. Ask yourself what's really important to you... school? Being close to home? Which is more important? If you are already in school, is it really worth it to drop out? If it were me and I had the means to work where they would work around my school schedual, I would go with that one. I can tell you that if school is really important to you, make it a priority. Sometimes life gets in the way and you are unable to get back to it for a while. I chose to drop out of college to persue another opportunity, found out I was pregnant, and now am finally getting back. I would have been one year shy of a Bachelor's degree right now. Put yourself first because no one else will. Hope it helps you make the choice thats right for you. If you find later that maybe it wasn't the best,remember to never regret the past. At one time it was what you wanted and it made you who you are today. Good luck!
Go with the one that works with your school schedule. Continue to goto school while working, if you can.

This. If EMS doesn't work out for some reason, having a degree will make finding another career easier. Besides, it's usually easier to just finish than to go back to school after a break.
Go with the one that works with your school schedule. Continue to goto school while working, if you can.

The commute will get old. Believe me. I commute for over an hour to volunteer with a 911 ems service. I also commute for over an hour to work as an RN. It is easier to commute to volunteer because I can stay for 24 hours. Commuting 3 days in a row for 12 hour shifts is hell on wheels, no pun intended.

Education is the most important thing you can add to your emergency medical training.

Good luck with your decision. I also give a +1 to the pros and cons list.
Look at the big picture, and do what you have to, to get to that goal. Nothing else matters.
thabks for the advice, but I want to know is it better to finish school get my degree, then become a paramedic and then transfer to amr thats closer to home. or just go with amr thats closer to home and have a garanteed job when i complete school.
what degree are you talking about. if you want to be a paramedic, get a paramedic degree.
so you want to work for AMR IE? What's the other amb. company. There are a lot of people who work in the greater LA area that can give you advice about the companies out here.
Putting on my DAD hat --- Get the best schooling possible above all else -- the job will come to YOU in the long run.

Second Canoeman and myself.

Get your school out of the way first then look at the job deal. Otherwise you could get stuck driving a wheelchair van for the rest of your life...honorable, but does it meet your life plans?
You can sign a contract with AMR where they allow days off for school and 2,500 for being accepted, and 1,000 upon completion. And you either repay them or work for them for 2 years after promotion. The also have a good standing in the I.E. and San Bernardino Co.
hey everybody, well i'm still debating over the decision i'm about to make. i have two job offers ones amr redlands and medresponse vannuys. now i live in victorville, supporting a family and going to school. redlands is closer, its about 45-60 min away. van nuys is about 1hour and 35-50 min away not including morning rush to LA. Anyways I dont which one to choose. which one shoud i choose? my goals are to gain experience, become a medic, be a fire medic, eran my degree in fire/paramedic and be happy with my decision. please soemeone who has info on companies and has been in my spot let me know whats up. whats the best route for me to take towards my carreer. working on an ambulance and becoming paramedic is the last step to my goal. I already have 5 years experience in fire. PLEASE make my decision easier.
Which one struck your fancy more? The decision is up to you....

I drive 1-1.5 hours a day for class each way, and 1.5 hours each way for clinicals. But I also don't have a family that would me losing an extra 1-2 hours a day with me due to the increased commute.

Do they both pay the same?
Heed of advice. AMR is a god company but, have you thought of anther division. Victorville is a good division as is Rancho. Rancho is also closer and you still have the option of working in Redlands too. If you can hold out, you may be able to get an offer at a closer division.
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You already got plenty of advice on your first thread. No one can make this decision for you.
Threads merged for simplicity.