Where do you get your taxes done in Santa Rosa ca????


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Title pretty much sums it up, where do you get your taxes done in the Santa Rosa area??
what do you write off as an ems provider?
You can write off a lot from what I hear, first time I am going to take advantage of it.
Google this. Please. There's like... 5 H&R Blocks within a 5 mile radius of the mall.
Try and find a tax preparer that s a registered agent "RA". Registered agents are required to go through a lot more training than a regular tax preparer and unlike many H&R style set ups they are generally open year round and not just for tax season. RAs also are allowed to go before the IRS on your behalf in case you are audited.
Think of it like this

Turbo tax is 30 bucks and if you screw something up you're on your own.

H&R is about 45 to 100 bucks and if they screw something up they are on the hook if you pay extra if you screw something up you're still on your own.

A registered agent is 200 to 300 for a complicated return with lots of deductions and if anything gets screwed up they can handle every step of the process so you never have to talk to the IRS. They are also super up to date on tax code.

CPA is the best option but also the most expensive.

Tax Lawyers . Contact these guys after you get audited after using option 1 or 2 above. They will charge you 6k for a couple of 1 hour meetings and then hire a registered agent to do all the actual work.

Regardless of where you go try and find a place that is open year round so if you have questions outside of tax season you can call and ask instead of winging it on your own. One of the great things about registered agents is that because they work year round you can shoot them an email if some major life event pops up you need to plan for. Also like CPAs registered agents generally have a pretty good base in other financial areas not just taxes so they can help you set up IRAs, college funds for kids, even help you create a budget.

Some H&R locations are open year round and do have a registered agent on staff (usually the owner) by the way.