What made you wanna be a medic??


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Here's a question I always get asked and I thought it would be a great question for all of you people on here.

What made you or what incident made you want to be a medic??

I'll share mine, I was 16y/o and my friends and I was stopped at a red light when all of the sudden a male on a motor cycle got hit by a car. The car drove off but I some how remembered the license plate number. We all sat there for what seemed like forever when my friend turns to me and says " how do I dial 9-1-1," I snapped out of shock and realised no one has called and no one was going to help this man laying on the road. I grabbed the cell phone from my friend and ran out to the male laying semi contious on the road. I did everything that the dipatcher told me to do without thinking. I kept the male focused on me and not to the fact that his arm and face were mangled. I stuck with him until the Ambulance Crew got him in the ambulance but just as they were loading him in he grabbed my hand and looked me straight in the eyes and said " I have never trusted anyone in my life, but I trusted you. Thank you." At that moment I realised what I wanted to do, even if thats the only thanks I get this job means the world to me and to those in need of us.

Funny how one thing can change your mind, before that incident I wanted to be a personal trainer.
That is an awesome story. For me well... i gotta have it for full time...
i wanted to legally be able to disrobe chicks with or without their consent.
The funeral director class was full.......

Naw, really. I have parents in poor health, and I wanted to help others in the same position.

For me it started with Johnny and Roy and Squad 51. KMG365!:)
I'm just the world's oldest paramedic student, they will have to defib me and THEN I can take care of the patient!!:P :P :P
I actually used to work in microbiology labs as a tech, but all of my friends were cops/ffs/medics/emts. One of them suggested I sign up for EMT class and after my first shift as a student on the truck, I was hooked. It has just been in the last year or so that I wanted to take on the additional responsibilities that come with being a medic. Unfortunately though, my husband is going to be going back to school this fall and it will take him about 2 years to do what he is planning on so I am going to have to continue to wait before moving up from EMT-B to -P.
I'm still a student, but I have always been intrigued by emts and medics and what they do. The EMT's and medics that would transport my Grandmother with emphazema were very kind and caring. It was basically this or culinary school. When I thought of myself twenty years down the road, I imagined myself saving lives, not cooking dinner for rich folks. One is just more important than the other. The health field just seems so much more important to me than any other area. As an EMT I can make a direct impact and a positive difference in people's lives. I guess a chef can too, but if they aren't alive how could they ever enjoy that filet?
Not much to my story...I've known my best friend for about 9 or 10 years and he's been in health care ever since I've known him, went to college for CNA when he was 14 and he's been an EMT for about 4 years before going to medic school. When I first started going to college for pre-med he suggested I work as an EMT for awhile to get an idea of what patient care is before I get to med school and because it'd be good experience and here I am. Loving everything I'm learning so far and I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy being in EMS for awhile. B)