On my second rideout as a student, I was having a little trouble getting the BP cuff on a couple patients. They are so awkward, especially when the patient's arm is pinned under their body or when they are old and their arm looks fragile to the point where I am reluctant to use force to get their arm in position to where I can get the cuff on. How long does it take to become proficient in putting the cuff on? It also hard for me to hear the pulse in the back of an ambulance driving code 3.
My preceptor was scoffing at my inability to put the cuff on. I am guessing that he assumed that I made the numbers up when I finally managed to palpate the patients BP. It was actually very frustrating for me. Later on during the day I was asking him questions about Arrhythmias and he told me something along the lines of "why are you asking me questions about QRS complexes when you can't even put the cuff on the patient?" It sort of dampened my enthusiasm for the rest of the day.
My preceptor was scoffing at my inability to put the cuff on. I am guessing that he assumed that I made the numbers up when I finally managed to palpate the patients BP. It was actually very frustrating for me. Later on during the day I was asking him questions about Arrhythmias and he told me something along the lines of "why are you asking me questions about QRS complexes when you can't even put the cuff on the patient?" It sort of dampened my enthusiasm for the rest of the day.