To Quit or to Stay???


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If most of you have read my other post about my job then you will understand this one. I have done alot of thinking today. I checked my bank accounts today and I have enough money in the bank to cover all of my bills for atleast 2 months. I went and picked up applications today at several ambulance companies. Well all of their offices are only open the hours that I work. So my question is if you had enough money in your pocket to cover your bills for 2 months and still have spending money would you stay at a job like mine or would you stay and try and work around the job and try to find a emt job. My place of employment doesn't look kindly on missing days and I believe that quitting would look better on a job application then being fired. So my question to yall is *what would you do if YOU was in my position*????
Tough Love!

I wasn't kidding when I said you're in an abusive situation. You weren't kidding when you expressed fear that your life was in danger. Would you please listen to yourself, Travis and get the hell out of Dodge! What you have is enough to get out of the situation. NOTHING is all you need to choose to protect your well-being.

Quit farting around and make the move, and there are no excuses!
How's the job market in your area? In many, 2 months of living expenses probably isn't going to be enough. If you think you can miss one more day safely, I'd fill out the apps and take that day to drop them off. Only if I got interviews/offers would I quit.

What I'd do is sit down with the last few months' worth of receipts and see what I could've done without. From there, I'd make the tightest budget possible, and see how much you have in a worst case scenario. After taking that into consideration with the job market, I'd have my answer.

I'm a lot more cautious than many others, though. Your job sounds like a hellhole. It's quite possible that quitting will force you to find something better that you would've never found, even if the EMT thing doesn't pan out. So take my advice with a grain of salt.

And definitely call them in to OSHA at some point. Seriously, that's not OK.
well the job market for emt's around here is fairly good.. im about an hour away from 6 different large cities. I already have a paid volunteer gig set up that will bring in some money. I can try and get more days on call there to make up some money. they get several transfers a day
well the job market for emt's around here is fairly good.. im about an hour away from 6 different large cities. I already have a paid volunteer gig set up that will bring in some money. I can try and get more days on call there to make up some money. they get several transfers a day

Then bite the bullet already and quit. Easy enough for me to say, of course, but sounds like you won't be starving if you do. Better than staying and risking getting injured, fired, or anything.
ok so I did it.. I quit the job.. now on to find my emt job so I will be happy somewhat lol
Good.. you quit.. sounds like you did the right thing.



Do this, and if the company fights it, make sure you let the state know the conditions you were working under. The worst case scenerio is that they say no and dont let you have the unemployment. It also gives you an extra cushion so you dont have to cut into your bank account as quickly.

And good luck with the job hunt!
DISCLAIMER: Not Offered as Legal Advice

Good.. you quit.. sounds like you did the right thing.


Bravo, travis, great work! Now, when you encounter someone in the field who is in a similar dilemma, you can advise the same with surety, since you've been there!

As for the above, I suggest absolutely file for Unemployment.

Usually, the way it works is you file, state your reason for leaving, and the company either tries to deny you the claim, or agrees you have one (doesn't contest). If there is a discrepancy between what you say and what the company claims, usually, the Office rules in the Filer's favor, extending benefits and then scheduling a hearing.

If the company does not understand its liability -- and I believe from your posts you had complained to them before of unsafe work practices, correct? then it may challenge you. If they are smart, they won't.

Because then you walk in with your guns cocked: unsafe working conditions - and you wouldn't have to bring in all the heavy drug stuff but could easily document how your safety was compromised in other ways -- SAVE your big guns for later, if necessary.

The idea, I think, is it's really not your fault you left. You deserve a little cushion to get yourself better situated. If you go into a hearing, it's actually in your favor to sit calmly amidst all their lawyers. The system is largely designed to protect you. I've been through the process and it's worth the inconvenience.
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Thirding filing for unemployment. Congrats, and good luck with the job hunt!