The ACP exam


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Hey everyone,

So i was just scanning the web for any tips on how to practice and study for the EMR ACP exam that i have coming up in a little over two weeks. Any how, i came across this site and i thought "What the heck? i'll ask the professionals on here!"

Ive been watching quite a few scenarios on you tube as well as a sample video my instructor gave to me, and as i watch im starting to feel less and less prepared for the scenario portion of my exam. Even though my instructor took me aside to personally tell me that Ive probably been the best student in handling scenarios in all his years of teaching.

So here's what im saying/asking. I still don't feel confident in my scenario practice (more so with the little things) like feeling for a pulse on the foot before and after splinting. or remembering my five rights for medication, or just simply using the right splints for the right trauma injury. So im asking if you professionals could provide me with a site for scenario practice, or maybe even if you feel for it, write a quick one up for me to practice with my girlfriend? I'd greatly appreciate it...

Thanks for any, and all who respond to this, and i look forward to a great learning experience here on EMTLIFE!
Welcome to emtlife.

Practice practice and practice some more. Go over your skill sheets. The more you do it the more comfortable you will be. Some of the stuff you mentioned is straight memorization. Your biggest obstacle is going to be you. Don't psych yourself out before you even get the the exam. There are several BLS scenarios on this site. You may also want to check out . It is a forum similar to this one but specific to AB. There are several EMRs on the site that can answer your questions much better than I could as never tested in AB.... I ported my medic in from the east coast.

But yeah
Relax a bit and practice . You will do great. Once you get on car or in the patch you will be able to come up with a system that works for you. But for now k ow you skill sheets foreword and backward.