Taking EMT Written Exam the end of of the week and SCARED!


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Its been bout 10months since I completed my EMT training course, passed the Skills...all I need is to take my Written Cert. EXAM...
Why did I wait so long? I attenpted to take the NREMT and failed both times, took me a few months due to studying and such.
But my family owns a business, and it took me away from studying for few months...mymother got sick was recently diagnosed with CHF and had surgery to get a pacemaker put in... and now everything has calmed down... i have until dec 18 that I am eligible to obtain certification... but im scared to death because I waited to so damn long...
If I could have some encouragment and/or wisdom to keep in mind and keep focused. .. Thanks!
Encouragement coming up :- You got your priorities right for your family...now it's YOUR time. Make sure you look back thru your books, I am sure you will do fine. Hope mums OK.
How did you study the first times?

The absolute most important factor to doing well on a test like this is to do practice problems. The NREMT doesn't really test your knowledge of the material, so reading the book over and over won't do you much good. You do need to know the material, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. More important is your ability to think critically, and figure out what the "best" answer is from a bunch of possible options that are all technically correct.

Sign up on one of the various websites that offer NREMT prep practice questions, and get cracking. Don't take the real test until you're crushing the practice tests and feeling comfortable. The best service I've seen so far is JBLearning's "Navigate Test Prep" (http://www.jblearning.com/catalog/9780763795559/), but it's a bit more expensive. Other options are emtprep, medictests, etc.