Starting EMT-B class in January 2014


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Hello Everyone! I'm new to the group. I have a quick question. Here goes: I start my EMT-B class in January 2014. Between now and then, I have time to complete one college-level course. It's either going to be a Medical Terminology course or Anatomy & Physiology. Based on your past/ present experience, which one of these two courses will give me the most bang for my buck (preparation) prior to my EMT-B course starting. I know both would help out tremendously, but I only have time for one at the moment. Thank you in advance for your feedback --patiently waiting your replies...
Anatomy and physology. Especially if you plan on becoming a medic at some point.
Anatomy and Physiology. Not even a competition between the two. You'll pick up medical terminology as you go along. A&P is the foundation you'll build on (and hopefully take further classes in) for the rest of your career.
Thank you gentlemen! I have three years left in the military before I'm eligible to retire at 20 years of service. I have always wanted to become a firefighter or EMT/ Paramedic in my second career field after the Marines. There's just something about public service that inspires me. I think the Paramedic route is going to be the way I go.
Be careful though, a lot of agencies typically have a cut off at 36 to join as far as paid departments go.