Soon to be Medic student


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Hi all -

Have been reading this forum for a while now, and figured that based on the adventure I am soon to embark on, it was time to regsiter. A little bit of background, I took my initial EMT-B course almost 5 years ago now, and have since re-certed twice (guess that's obvious). Right after finishing EMT-B, I took a job on a primarily IFT ambulance working 10s and then moved to 24s. Did this for about a year and decided to move on, although I didn't necessarily want to be out of the field, Due to scheduling, it made the most sense. I somewhat regret the decision to leave the field, although I have been able to keep my cert, as mentioned.

Anywho, my path (and work schedule) has now led me to pursue getting my Paramedic license, which was a goal of mine from the beginning. I will be starting at NCTI in February (accelerated A&P in January)... I understand all the things I have read about NCTI...some good, most bad. But it is the only school in the area that is going to work for me, and after talking to a few medics who's opinion I greatly respect, decided to go for it. (I don't want this to turn into a bashing of NCTI... I've heard all there is to hear on it!!!) Bottom line was - you will get out of medic school what you put in, and I intend to dive full-force into it.

I have been away from the EMS field (*read - not working as an EMT - still very close to EMS) for almost 4 years now, so am a little anxious to see how much I have lost. Although I have been trying to brush up where I can. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I've read all the threads for pre-medic school-students and know what I need to do to prepare. Mostly I just wanted to introduce myself, thank all of you for the educational and useful reading thus far, and hope that through my journey, I will be able to pick your brains when necessary. You all seem like a great bunch, very very knowledgable, and it inspires me.

Phew - sorry for the rambling novel.

Take care.
Welcome and good luck! :D