Some questions about EMT


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Well Im currently a fireman at a volunteer dept...Ive taken all my nims classes and what not...Currently workin on my hazmat as well...Ive been tryin to decide on if I should take EMT courses to become certified...I was just curious about the difficulty of the course and how many hours it is and how long the class is till your certified...

Thanks everyone for your help...
The first question you need to ask your self is if you really want to provide medical.... If you do, great!

The average EMT-Basic program is around 130hrs with most programs setup with class 2 evenings a week or on a weekend. When I took mine it was every Saturday for 8hrs.

As far as difficulty level... as long u you have a real interest in the material and pay attention in class and spend time reading... its not difficult at all. To become certified you will need to pass a local exam usually before u move on to take the State or National Registry exam which will grant u ur certification as an EMT.