some ACLS links


Forum Probie
Hi, I'm taking ACLS at the hospital. I'm in PM school too, which has ACLS in mid-March. I'm getting a jump on it. I have searched for videos and mp3's related to ACLS or Paramedic-oriented Cardiology. Can anyone throw out a few links (free) to vids/mp3z in this vein? I'll let you know if I've seen/heard of them already. Could be helpful. Great to see material 7 or 8 different ways to really absorb it. Cheers!

YouTube (search for VitalEthics, gets a few free vids)
Jeffrey Guy


Forum Deputy Chief
Hi, I'm taking ACLS at the hospital. I'm in PM school too, which has ACLS in mid-March. I'm getting a jump on it. I have searched for videos and mp3's related to ACLS or Paramedic-oriented Cardiology. Can anyone throw out a few links (free) to vids/mp3z in this vein? I'll let you know if I've seen/heard of them already. Could be helpful. Great to see material 7 or 8 different ways to really absorb it. Cheers!

YouTube (search for VitalEthics, gets a few free vids)
Jeffrey Guy

Dr. Guy's site is more surgical & critical care oriented (He is our Burn director), the information on his site is mainly focused on individuals working in the burn unit (primarily residents and RNs). Any content he has for the eyes of a prehospital provider is 99% more likely to be PHTLS (He is the author of the official textbook).

I guess you could download Simcode ACLS or something of the like.