"sitters" in hospitals


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
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Just wanted to mention something I learned recently. My dad was hospitalized and had to have a "sitter" that kept him under 24 hour observation. Basically the sitter sat by his bed and made notes on his behavior and would call the nurse if my dad tried to get out of bed. I only mention this because the sitters were security guards with emt basic certs. Seemed like a boring but very easy job. Might not be a bad way to make some cash while working your way through school. One of the sitters was doing just that and got a lot of studying done while my dad snoozed away.
It's very common around here... in the psych EDs, for some restrained patients (on the floor), and some unstable patients elsewhere in the hospital. They tend to be CNAs or EMTs pulled from regular duty (as CNAs or ED techs), and have security on speed dial.
Our jail used them rarely.

Rented them from temp agencies we had security vetted.
I am a security officer at the moment and the company I work for has accounts at three hospitals. I have not been asked to do this particular job but often called for a code green (manpower assistance). This has varied from restraining an ETOH in ER to standing by a deceased persons room to prevent any violence from upset relatives. I also have to ready the pad for medevac helicopters. Its interesting but NOT anything medical