Research Topic in SA


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Hey folks

I'm busy with a research proposal and am doing in on HEMS in South Africa.
One of my concepts is to evaluate patient on scene treatment times and develop a guideline for ideal on scene times for HEMS based on the relevant condition and criteria.
My posting here is to get as much input, feedback and advice on the topic of HEMS research and any ideas that might help me formulate my study.
That's an interesting research question and I like where you are coming from, but it's going to require a tremendous amount of data collection and analysis, will involve some real wizardry on the part of an excellent statistician, and even after all that, I doubt you will come up with any real useful information.

I would suggest coming up with something of narrower focus, such as "do scene times impact survival in traumatic brain injury"?
Thanks for the feedback.
I have thought of something along those lines, paediatric scene times, treatment required etc. SA is a very unique environment and a lot of what we do is rural setting so you become somewhat of a specialist in some circumstances.
I know I'm not gonna change the world but I would like to do something that at least holds value and can be used to build from