Rescue The Health Insurance Companies! by your fav TeeVee stars!


Still crazy but elsewhere
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I got a good chuckle out of that. Thanks for posting it!
Been out for a couple of months actually.

Celebrities need to stay out of politics because people smart enough to understand whats going on don't need a celeb saying "Vote this way" and people stupid enough to vote the way celebs say they should don't need to be voting in the first place.
I see celebrities as a counterbalance to money sometimes.

Unless they are, say, Charlton Heston or Ronald Reagan.<_<

How about a celebrity tradeoff, like they do with carbon emissions? Is one Will Farrel equivalent to one Rush Limbaugh?;)

(I do hear you, though, and when the women on "The View" weighed in behind Rosie ODonnel with the "Science can't guarantee my Timmy is safe when he gets his shots" my wife had to block the shoe I tossed at her TV).