Question about high school education


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I've been interested in becoming an EMT for about 4 years now. About a year and a half ago I dropped out of high school and got my GED immediately(A/B average all through HS), it just about killed me to do so, however at that time that was my only option given a demanding situation regarding family that was out of my control. Anyway, I won't go into that boring stuff. I want to know if dropping out and getting my GED will hurt my chances into being accepted into the academy I plan to go through to get my EMT-b certification(National EMS Academy in Louisiana). Also if anyone has any experience with The National EMS Academy that would be great to hear as well.

Thanks in advance.
I doubt it. Every application I have seen typically asks " do you have your Hs diploma or GED?" ... They don't usually ask which you have.
I was still in school when I got my NREMT. I think you'll be fine.