Primary job forces me to cut back on EMS.


Forum Deputy Chief
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I really like doing the EMT work. With layoffs at work and techs let go in my area, I am finding that my primary job is going to take all of my attention. I got called to come work at the ambulance service this weekend, I just couldn't do it, to tired from my regular job. It frustrates me because I really like the work, but the pay is low, so guess I have to do what it takes to put food on the table.
Too much to upgrade to intermediate?
Have you looked into working at a hospital or in a clinical setting?

I've recently started working as a tech in a pediatric urgent care clinic. I make more at a basic level than some medics do per hour, and the paramedics here have a bigger "scope" than those on the street. And it's a lot of fun, never dull! I could only imagine working in a hospital would be ten times better than the clinic.

If you really like EMS, perhaps furthering your education wouldn't be a bad deal, the more educated you become, the bigger your paycheck will get.
The only school to go is 1 1/2 hours away. My work schedule won't allow me to go like I thought it would :sad: . I really like the work, but I guess I have to support my family with my current job. Unless I can find a job in medicine paying in the low $20's/hr. Guess I could become a RN, I know I could make close to what I do now as a paramedic, but it would require me working more hours and being away from home.

I had to shun away a call to go work this weekend, because I was simply to tired. I think my patient deserves me at my best, not beat down.