Preparing for PCP course


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Just got a call saying that i was accepted in to the fall program, as long as i graduate( no reason why i wont)
But any ways just wondering if there is any good helpful books that i can buy of amazon that are great. I would just go a head and by my school texts, but if i buy them now student loan wont refund them for me. So want to hold back on them for a little longer. Any good books i can read up on for now.
thanks a bunch
whats a pcp course?
Primary Care Paramedic is the Canadian entry to praxis level for prehospital medical providers.

In contrast the 120 hours required in the US, PCPs in Canada recieve up to two years of full time university education.

Brown suggests a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology as well as English and communication, scientific research methods and perhaps medical terminology too.
I heard the medics up north make way more then we do state wise, and that it is a national standard for what each level can do (concept) and the have the same national levels all over the great white north.

I might have to see about moving there I wonder how my cat would feel about moose :)

I agree with brown. A&P and Med terms are the best two thigns you can do for youself before starting
We are working on a national standard but we are not there yet. There are provincial standards for training and some provinces have a reciprocity agreement.

As far as reading. Brush up on your standard first aid and CPR. That is knowledge you are expected to have walking in the door. A review of highschool bio isn't a bad idea.