Passed the HOBET


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YES! I finally was able to take the hoBET and now Im starting EMT-B on the 1st of February. Can't wait, but wish there was something I could do right now to get a head start. I plan on blowing this class away, just waiting in the wings. This is my first post and looking forward to talking with everyone. Everyone on here seems to be pretty cool and helpful. Unlike other message boards, where it's just a huge flamefest where everyone is better than the next person. So hello all!
Welcome aboard and congrats on the upcoming EMT class. You should look into joining a volunteer rescue squad to obtain your experience.

How was the HOBET?

I have to take it for an entrance test for a paramedic program here locally. Math has never been my most profound subject.

What does it entail?

thanks, and once again congrats!
I had to take the HOBET before my ALS program. I got really nervous about & ordered a HOBET review book. The test was a joke. No offense to prst58, I am glad you did well. But it was mostly things you should have picked up in high school. You might find a review book through the program that is requiring it or at the school or public library. Good luck to all that have to take & remember school is a series of hoop you have to jump through.
I agree, it was a simple test from high school days. A good bit of math and then a lot of reading comprehension. Nothing to worry about, just take it seriously like any other test and you'll be gravy.
What the heck is the HOBET?
I had to Google it. Apparently it's a health occupation aptitude test.