Paramedic Training Books


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Hey there, first time poster long time reader. I have been an EMT for a BLS transport company for the last 6 months and in August I am going to be attending Paramedic school at Mt. SAC in Southern California. (Anyone else going to this class?)

My question is about pre course prep work. I have been going over my Brady EMT book since I decided to enroll and with the pre course coming up in just a couple months I was looking for some paramedic books to purchase to read during my shifts. Any suggestions? Preferably some that will provide me with useful or interesting information that will help me be more successful in my class.

Thanks! And let me know if any future classmates are reading this. :)

"Rapid Interpretation of EKGs" by Dale Dubin... a must for ANY paramedic student.

Don't know if you've taken A&P yet or not, but if not buy an A&P book and read through it.

"Pharmacology for the Pre-hospital Professional" by Dr Guy is one that I've heard a lot of good about and have been wanting myself. But ANY pharmacology book is good.
Thanks for the fast reply I will look into those. In my background I have a B.S. in Kinesiology where I took a fair amount of Anaromy and Physiology so I feel those will be a strong point for me. Thanks. :) Definately open to all suggestions.
Get into some A&P. Pick up a good book such as "Human Anatomy & Physiology" by Elaine Nicpon Marieb.
She has some newer editions out.
Study body chemistry and fluid dynamics well, then move to respiratory, cardiac, neurology, then other topics. If you can study that for a couple hrs a day until aug you will have a good leg up on a lot of your class mates.