Now you did it!
True, Funny, Sad!
Sleepy little Florida Retirement town in the 1970's. Working as E.R. Tech. There was a young, newly married couple, beautiful like movie stars type, clearly rich and twisted. Over the course of a year they came in to the E.R. together after having had a fight maybe 4 times. They would both be injured in some way. She was fierce AND she was funny! Every time they'd come limping in, she'd crack jokes like "Look at this!" pointing to her cut arm, and then say laughing out loud, "But LOOK AT THAT!!" and point to her hubby with a slab of his forehead flapped over his eye from an ashtray she flung at him!
Sure, cops came from time to time, but generally, they were so lovey-dovey by then, nothing would happen. Once, she came in alone and had physical evidence of being brutalized sexually, at her admission, by him. As always, a pitiful laugh-fest led by her. She was truly funny and infectious and, quite frankly, we loved her.
Now during this period, by the way, every time she came in to the E.R. she was even more beautiful! The guy must have sunk a million bucks into her, and yes, the first day she was in the E.R. with new breasts, she had to make sure EVERYONE saw!!
Then, one night, I'm behind the desk facing the waiting room and she carefully opens the door of the E.R., creeps around it at a crouch, and barely suppressing laughter but not doing too well with the tears rolling down her cheeks, motions me to the door. Having no idea what's going on, and once again, that infectious stuff starts taking hold, I go to her. Behind her, her husband, hunched over and with the epitome of agony on his face, limps in to the lobby. He's wearing a floor length, oversize bathrobe. He was the definition of pitiful, cowed, and demoralized.
A slow night, both the Doctor and the Nurse come out. And right there in the hallway, before he could move, she reaches over and flings open her husband's bathrobe while she exclaims in PURE GLEE! "I broke it!"
Her husband's penis was swollen purple with blood, about three inches in diameter and hanging down below his knees to mid-calf!
Apparently, after some strenuous exercise (which never really got identified!) one of the major blood vessels in his penis sprung a leak!
A few months later, she was in the back of an ambulance, a neat little compressed package that pretty much fit on 1/3 of the gurney. Drunk, she twisted her car around a few trees at very high speed. There was silicone all over.
(Wouldn't you know it, my 1,111th post!)