I live and work in Nova Scotia as an Advanced Care Paramedic. Where are you from? Are you already a medic? Here are some websites for you to browse thru.
Both Medavie and Holland College have Paramedic programs. Medavie has one in Dartmouth which is within commuting distance to you. Their websites will tell you their requirements. Not all courses start in Sept. So apply early.
New medics start as casuals at about $21.00/hr. Casuals that are actually willing to work and travel 1 hr - 1 hr 20min or so for a shift do not have any trouble getting 84 hr bi-weekly paychecks. Almost all shifts are 12 hrs.
The ambulances here are run by a company called EMC Inc. Under a sole source contract with the NS Dept of Health (EHS). EMC will not allow a ride along unless you are accepted by a paramedic program, or are a first responder (MFR)n or an allied health worker (nurse).
The best thing is to apply to a school and once accepted the apply for a ride.
The ambulances here are run by a company called EMC Inc. Under a sole source contract with the NS Dept of Health (EHS). EMC will not allow a ride along unless you are accepted by a paramedic program, or are a first responder (MFR) or an allied health worker (nurse etc).
The best thing is to apply to a school and once accepted the apply for a ride.
You could also see which local FD provide MFR services and apply to join them while you wait to go to medic school.