Forum Deputy Chief
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Dispatched to 75 y/o with C/O shortness of breath.
I arrive and he is having some distress but it is minor. He is able to talk in complete sentences. Pt is AAOx3. His left lung field is clear, the right is diminished at the bases. Low grade fever 99.5, no N/V, some coughing w/ clear sputum but this didn't occur while I was there. Complains of dizzyness and "just don't feel right." Daughter reports she gave him a .4mg NTG prior to our arrival for the breathing problem, but he didn't have any pain. NTG was administered about 20 minutes PTA. Just had dialysis this morning, we arrive around 6PM
PMHx: 4 previous CABG, left leg BKA, right leg toes amputated, DM.
Meds: NTG, unable to gather further info.
Vitals: B/P 60/40; HR 47 palpated at carotid; radial pulses absent; monitor shows sinus tachycardia, clearly most of those electrical signals are not causing mechanical action. pulse ox 98% on 4L oxygen NC.
My Tx:
IV x 3 attempts, succeed on last one w/ a 22ga.
I am only able to bolus in 50cc before ED arrival.
Atropine .5mg IVP - increased HR to 84, bp to 74/44, electrical rate 130
I did not pace due to I would have had to pace in the 120's
I see pt later in ED and his bp is 99/64 and he has a 1L of fluid, don't know what else. HR is 88.
While I realize that NTG may have caused this drop it should have started wearing off by our arrival.
I arrive and he is having some distress but it is minor. He is able to talk in complete sentences. Pt is AAOx3. His left lung field is clear, the right is diminished at the bases. Low grade fever 99.5, no N/V, some coughing w/ clear sputum but this didn't occur while I was there. Complains of dizzyness and "just don't feel right." Daughter reports she gave him a .4mg NTG prior to our arrival for the breathing problem, but he didn't have any pain. NTG was administered about 20 minutes PTA. Just had dialysis this morning, we arrive around 6PM
PMHx: 4 previous CABG, left leg BKA, right leg toes amputated, DM.
Meds: NTG, unable to gather further info.
Vitals: B/P 60/40; HR 47 palpated at carotid; radial pulses absent; monitor shows sinus tachycardia, clearly most of those electrical signals are not causing mechanical action. pulse ox 98% on 4L oxygen NC.
My Tx:
IV x 3 attempts, succeed on last one w/ a 22ga.
I am only able to bolus in 50cc before ED arrival.
Atropine .5mg IVP - increased HR to 84, bp to 74/44, electrical rate 130
I did not pace due to I would have had to pace in the 120's
I see pt later in ED and his bp is 99/64 and he has a 1L of fluid, don't know what else. HR is 88.
While I realize that NTG may have caused this drop it should have started wearing off by our arrival.
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