New IO


Kip Teitsort, Founder
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Has anyone used the new EZ-IO yet? The batery operated little drill....... They claim it is no more painful than a regular IV.
Ouch - drills and bones... I don't like the sound of that. :)
I have used the EZ-IO only in training and demo, not on a patient yet. That being said, this seems to be a pretty slick little device. It is fast! There is a lot less force to get it in place as compared to traditional, manual IO needles like the cook or jamsheeti (spelling?). My system is in preliminary discussions as to adding them. I am excited about the device. Not sure how often we would use it, but a nice tool to have anyway.

Hope this helps.
I've used it several times in adults and pedi's. Its quick and effective and speaking from personal experience, it is not very painful. No more than a large bore IV inserted by an inexperienced EMT-I. The only painful aspect is the infusion which can be corrected with a little Lidocaine.........