New here...............


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Just wanted to introduce myself. I am currently an EMT-I student in N. GA. have less than 3 months of class left & just started my clinical internship. I have been a volunteer firefighter & EMR for almost 5yrs now & have noticed I really enjoy the medical side of public safety more than I do firefighting. I hope to go for my paramedic eventually. Glad to be here & have already learned a few things from browsing. A pre-thanks to anyone who may answer any questions I have in the future.
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Hello and welcome. Here is the fridge please remove all items daily or they will be thrown out. Here is the smoking area however this is a non smoking area so while there are ashtrays you may not use them. Over here is the coffee machine if you drink the last cup fill it up. Oh and watch out for a guy named usafmedic he likes to jump out of the lockers in the locker rooms and scare the crap out of new folks. Good guy though just don't make eye contact and just nod when he talks to you :)
Welcome! Have fun and don't take a darn thing seriously.

Unless it comes from a guy (or gal) with a red name. B)