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Not sure where to post this -- figured here was as good a place as any!
Hello! I'm an EMT-P and new-ish RN -- and yes, I am a graduate of the fabled/storied/dreaded Excelsior College (EC) ... it wasn't easy, I can assure you. The clinical exam alone has left many of us with PTSD -- I wish I were joking!
I've been a volunteer medic since 2003, and I first became an EMT-B in 2000. I initially became a medic with the idea of being a volunteer, and keeping my cushy, comfy graphic design/desktop publishing job. However, in 2005 I realized that I needed to work in healthcare fulltime, so I took a big ol' pay cut and went to work as an ER tech. I tried to get into a P-RN bridge that was a couple hours away (online classes, in-person clinicals), but preference was given to local students and I was told I'd never make it off the waiting list.
So I finally buckled down and did Excelsior's program in 2007/2008. It was tough -- I don't recommend it for everyone unless you are a) a voracious reader; b) extremely knowledge-hungry; c) self-motivated; d) working in a setting where you have constant patient contact to practice assessments/management. I was blessed (still am) to work with a fabulous bunch of RNs who taught me so much over the last 4 years. I'm an ER RN in the same ER where I started as a tech -- they wouldn't let me leave. 
I know how many of you feel about Excelsior (my search-fu, it is strong!), but I'm hoping we can keep the disdain to a minimum.
I can tell you it is NOT the easy way to RN. The clinical exam is exacting and stressful and pass/fail ... the pass rate is not high.
I still volunteer as a medic -- can't seem to stop doing it! I'm addicted, I admit it. I've had the same partner since 2002, and he and I joke that it's the longest relationship either of us has ever had. LOL. I'm also starting to collect some training certs -- AMLS recently, and ITLS soon. I'd love to teach someday, but for now I want to be at the bedside or in the ambulance.
I'm also working on my RN-BSN. Six more classes! Good times.
So, hi.
Hello! I'm an EMT-P and new-ish RN -- and yes, I am a graduate of the fabled/storied/dreaded Excelsior College (EC) ... it wasn't easy, I can assure you. The clinical exam alone has left many of us with PTSD -- I wish I were joking!
I've been a volunteer medic since 2003, and I first became an EMT-B in 2000. I initially became a medic with the idea of being a volunteer, and keeping my cushy, comfy graphic design/desktop publishing job. However, in 2005 I realized that I needed to work in healthcare fulltime, so I took a big ol' pay cut and went to work as an ER tech. I tried to get into a P-RN bridge that was a couple hours away (online classes, in-person clinicals), but preference was given to local students and I was told I'd never make it off the waiting list.

I know how many of you feel about Excelsior (my search-fu, it is strong!), but I'm hoping we can keep the disdain to a minimum.

I still volunteer as a medic -- can't seem to stop doing it! I'm addicted, I admit it. I've had the same partner since 2002, and he and I joke that it's the longest relationship either of us has ever had. LOL. I'm also starting to collect some training certs -- AMLS recently, and ITLS soon. I'd love to teach someday, but for now I want to be at the bedside or in the ambulance.

I'm also working on my RN-BSN. Six more classes! Good times.
So, hi.