New Grill Lights on 2006 Dodge Ram 1500


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Hello all,

I have a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck. I recently bought these lights ( ) for my truck grill as I am an EMT/firefighter in New York State. Can anyone help me with mounting them? Also I noticed that they are a little big for the opening between slats in my grill, can anyone help with that?

Emergency lights on a POV not good. Be prepared to get beaten here in the forum. Because this topic or one like it was covered and a majority of EMTLife members who have posted on previous topics have disagreed strongly with any type of emergency lights on POVs. Just thought I should warn you. Now to answer your question try contacting the dealer you got it from for help.
Emergency lights on a POV not good. Be prepared to get beaten here in the forum. Because this topic or one like it was covered and a majority of EMTLife members who have posted on previous topics have disagreed strongly with any type of emergency lights on POVs. Just thought I should warn you. Now to answer your question try contacting the dealer you got it from for help.
Thanks for the heads up. It's legal in New York State so I am not concerned about opinions. I am following the law, nothing less or nothing more. I only am asking for help in general on these.
Try this forum. It's more of a technical forum for lighting, and this one is more aimed towards medical. But I've seen them zip -tied... And it looks really REALLY bad.
Thanks for the heads up. It's legal in New York State so I am not concerned about opinions. I am following the law, nothing less or nothing more. I only am asking for help in general on these.

Have you noticed the similar responses from multiple forums?

Remember, a law may not necessarily provide the most effective level of safety for innocent bystanders.........................
have you noticed the similar responses from multiple forums?

Remember, a law may not necessarily provide the most effective level of safety for innocent bystanders.........................

welcome back!!!!
Hello all,

I have a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck. I recently bought these lights ( ) for my truck grill as I am an EMT/firefighter in New York State. Can anyone help me with mounting them? Also I noticed that they are a little big for the opening between slats in my grill, can anyone help with that?


Place the lightbar back in the packaging and return to the manufacturer as soon as possible.

Now, that wasn't so hard now was it?
Thanks for the heads up. It's legal in New York State so I am not concerned about opinions. I am following the law, nothing less or nothing more. I only am asking for help in general on these.

Unfortunately they (plural) are not legal in New York State.
You are allowed one blue light and I doubt you'll only have one.
However enforcement of the law varies.
Does the law also allow the use of a siren or extra lights? It seems like the use of a single blue light for a volunteer on there POV is kind of silly
4. Blue light. a. One blue light may be affixed to any motor vehicle owned by a volunteer member of a fire department or on a motor vehicle owned by a member of such person's family residing in the same household or by a business enterprise in which such person has a proprietary interest or by which he or she is employed, provided such volunteer firefighter has been authorized in writing to so affix a blue light by the chief of the fire department or company of which he or she is a member, which authorization shall be subject to revocation at any time by the chief who issued the same or his or her successor in office. Such blue light may be displayed exclusively by such volunteer firefighter on such a vehicle only when engaged in an emergency operation. The use of blue and red light combinations shall be prohibited on all fire vehicles. The use of blue lights on fire vehicles shall be prohibited and the use of blue lights on vehicles shall be restricted for use only by a volunteer firefighter except as otherwise provided for in subparagraph b of this paragraph.
One blue light. When you have authorization in writing.
Ten characters.
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without going into the legal part.

I'd mount one of these dead center behind the grill. or off to the left. the distance behind the grill won't make that much difference in CP output to the front. after all, it's not like your an emergency vehicle or anything. it's more of a courtisy warning light to ASK drivers to move out of the way. drivers that are going slower then the posted speed limit.
as the above user put it......but I'm gunna shut up on this one...