New EMT in training


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Hey there,

I'm in a summer course to be an EMT-B. I'm currently working as a volunteer at an ambulance and started rather recently. I am fairly excited to get working as an EMT even though it will be just as a volunteer. I would like to go on to pass the MCAT exam and enter medical school eventually. Taking classes and becoming an EMT were the first few steps I figured, and I decided to join here as well to expand my knowledge of the field.

Yeah! B)
do u vienesse waltz while on calls? partial to argentine tango LOLOL!

welcome! and i will say you will love emt. i did. have fun with it :)
ahh yes. The name is actually based on a song by Everytime I die called Off Broadway lol. I'm a music person too :P
I am a Volunteer also ;)

Welcome to the club :P
:D Well I just passed my EMR Course and will be taking my ACP Test in September. Can anyone tell me if this test is multiple choice or written (short/long answers) or a combination of both. And what resources should I be looking at to help me study. Im guessing I need to no more than what the EMR Course dished out. From there I will be on my way to EMT schooling. Still haven't decided where to go though. Anyways, talk to you all later. :)
Welcome, I am just finishing my EMT school, I'm currently enrolled in a fall paramedic course. I'll be working for a private service part time, and a volly service.

It's an interesting field.

Again Welcome