

Forum Crew Member
how do you guys feel about ambulance companies who commit blatant nepotism after telling every other applicant they aren't hiring?
and i'm not referring to hiring a family member here and there. i mean ALL the time.

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
Oh, I like it... a great policy... helps keep the organization pure and upstanding... :rolleyes: Come on... do you think anyone is gonna like the idea of not hiring based on merits, ability, and education?

I'll take it one step further... What happens when that person can't cut it or screws up? Will they face the same action as you would? That alone brings down the standards for that organization. We have that issue now on the SAR Team, where the Deputy that runs SAR has two kids that were braught on the team (largly because they are his kids)... but the kids are not meeting the standards that this team has in regards to training and participation in missions... and they haven't met these standards for over 2 years. We won't get rid of them because of who they are; instead, others feel like they can afford to slack off in training...

So, no... not the way to run any organization... If you are good at what you do, then you will be hired and succeed, but if you need daddy/mommy/uncle/etc. to get anywhere in life, then what good are you?


Forum Captain
Nepotism rocks! It's one of the big reasons I'm my current job. You see, at my old job, there was a dispatch Captain that was, well, the BOMB. That man could come into 25 trucks running across each other to get to emergencies with more emergencies pending and within five minutes have cleared enough trucks to start posting stations again. He was, sadly, the only dispatcher that could do that. Then the dispatch supervisor's wife decided she wanted to be a dispatch captain too, and there simply weren't enough white shirts to go around. What do to, what to do? Well, that's easy, demote the only dispatcher worth a crap and give her his job. They put our favorite dispatcher (who had already had several back surgeries) back on the street. He suffered a career-ending injury less than a week later.

I quit that job and relocated back home less than a month after this happened. My new job is fantastic. Go nepotism! What a great way to encourage people to move out of crappy situations.


Forum Crew Member
thanks for the sarcasm guys. i only ask becasue i've recently had to deal with a large company who wouldnt hire anyone except a special few who were either friends or relatives.


Forum Lieutenant
thanks for the sarcasm guys. i only ask becasue i've recently had to deal with a large company who wouldnt hire anyone except a special few who were either friends or relatives.

Well, in this business. It is a lot of who you know. I was waiting to transfer for a year come to find that they hired 40+ prior to calling me. So, i feel your pain. But, they'll see what they're already seeing what they are missing out on.