Need some advice


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I am a brand new member and not an EMS I hope this is okay.

I am a writer and my novel is almost completed. I need help with one scene.

The protagonist in my novel lives in the Detroit ghetto and has been viciously mugged by a life long adversary and his two goons. The victim has had several ribs, his right shin, and his left arm broken. He has many superficial and a few serious lacerations and he is unconscious. He barely has any pulse.

When the EMS arrives what is the typical procedure for someone in this condition?

Thanks much for any input.

Is the scene safe?

Before EMS enters the scene, we must know if the scene that we are going into is safe.
Here are some links that should show you what and how things are done.

If he barely has a pulse, then he's more than likely unconscious and not breathing correctly. The crew will make sure the scene is safe, and approach the scene only if it is safe.

They will:

Manual C-Spine and give oxygen with Non Rebreather Mask or BVM

Place him on LSB (both of these will "package" him)

If he's unconscious and not breathing good, they'll intubate him (they'll "tube" him)

With multiple broken ribs, he may have a collapsed lung, and they'll have to reexpand it by doing a needle decompression (they'll "dart" him)

If he barely has a pulse, he doesn't have a blood pressure and they'll need to give him a lot of fluids and/or meds to get the blood pressure back up (they'll get two lines on him).

They'll do the C-Spine, LSB, intubation, and needle decompression on scene. Then they'll get him on the truck, get him on a monitor and get at least 2 large bore (16 guage or 14 guage) IV's en route to hospital.

Oh, and they should be on scene no longer than 10 minutes.
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Before EMS enters the scene, we must know if the scene that we are going into is safe.

The scene is in the side yard of an abandoned warehouse...outdoors, not far from the sidewalk.
The scene is in the side yard of an abandoned warehouse...outdoors, not far from the sidewalk.

Location is only part of scene safety. this guy just got beat by someone. unless PD is on scene and has secured teh scene as safe (we won;t be attacked) then we don;t go in. I have staged at scenes for 10 minutes or more without touching a patient because we WILL NOT enter if those two perps could still be there.

In real life: Police arrive, make sure teh scene is clear of anything/anyone that will try to kill unarmed medics, waves us in, and then we go in.
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