Need reference for splinting class


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Yes, I've googled and read three papers on paleoanthropology.

What are the frequencies of fracture of human skeletons? OR, what are the most common sites of fractures? I have opinions, mostly back up, but does anyone have a neat chart or reference I can steal from, er, refer to?

PS: until age 45 more males than females get fx's, and after 75 the most common fracture site shifts from distal radius-ulna to the hip (femoral neck).
PPS: YES the most common site of fractures is on a wet floor, etc etc....
The Frequencies of fractures really depends on age, as a child, the most you will get is a fracture called a green stick fracture because children tend to have flexible bones. Adolescence is where fractures occur because there body is now matured and have had solid bones. Elderly is the the most common in breaking bones because they become weak or have osteoporosis.Most common fracture site according to my EMT training is the Scapula,femur,tibia, fibula,and the arm (radius and ulna) and just a tip here, and that is with the tibia, most of the time when that gets fractured, there is a good chance the fibula was also fractured with the tibia, in other words a tib-fib fracture or vice versa.

Hope this helped you.