Need idea feedback for software development


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Hey everyone,

I am a medic student looking for a better way to learn pharmacology. I am also a card-carrying nerd and software engineer. I am putting these two aspects of my personality together to hopefully create a better way to internalize pharmacology data. I would appreciate your honest feedback.

I have investigated the marketplace and checked out the various apps that allow for the study of pharmacology. I think I have a better way. I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say on the matter. For ease of compiling this data, and to try to get a true sampling of your thoughts without the fear of what others on this forum think, I have created a google survey. PLEASE do me the favor of taking it. It is only 10 questions and will take you less than 2 minutes.

Below is the summary of the idea, followed by the link to the survey. You will not be prompted to enter your email or real name - unless you want me to contact you to discuss the project further. If this project is green-lighted, I will open up the opportunity for people on this forum to submit questions/scenarios to be used in the app in exchange for a royalty payment. You won't get rich, but you'll probably get to have a free date night every quarter!

Summary of software idea:
Provide an annual subscription or permanent license to access an internet application that provides a framework in which to memorize EMS pharmacology facts, applications, and methodology in an interactive and enjoyable framework. Key aspects of this application will be 1) Review area - read, study, and memorize drug facts just like you would do in your textbook (with printable flashcards), 2) randomized fact testing based on random selection of drugs, classes of drugs, etc., 3) adaptive testing of drug knowledge to help user determine overall level of master of a given class of drugs, or all drugs, 4) time-limited adaptive testing to force user to apply rapid-recall of knowledge to drug fact questions, 5) scenario testing - "prescribe the drug to the scenario" 6) time-limited scenario testing - to force user to rapidly practice applying pharmacologic knowledge to situations 7) an "all drug" recognition database - tests user on recognizing type of drug, common uses, etc., to develop knowledge of non-EMS drugs (to help user learn the various drugs they will encounter that their patients routinely take but which are not in the EMT-P scope of practice - eg: Effexor, Metformin, etc. (I picked a couple common ones for my examples!).

Link to survey:
Items 1, 2, 3, and 7 from your list can be done with learning/flashcard tools like AnkiApp. Items 5 and 6 may also be done with AnkiApp, just with a little bit more work on the “flashcard” creation. I completed the survey, you didn’t have I-99 in the current level list.