Need Help from Someone who's workes/ed for Abbott in Missouri


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I just applied and interviewed at Abbott, which went pretty well. But here's kicker: Last friday(Spt25) they were suppose to announce New Hires, but i didn't get anyphone calls, not even rejections ones. so i call today and was told by the HR head (she was real cute btw, just in case she's reading) that they don't have enought funding for this month's orientation for new recruits.

Should i be worried? Is abbott in financial trouble or what HR speak for "Postions all filled up, come back later"?

Anyone here who works for Abbot, is this normal?
i wouldnt be worried. abbott is a good company but they are a revolving door for people. so even if there arent spots now reguarless of what the HR lady told you. there will be. i know that AMR just bought them out so they might be transitioning with all of that. dont know if it helps but thats what i know :)
awsome, thanks for the info. do you happen to know if they still offer the medic school scholarship with IHM?
i believe they do offer tuition assistance, although I THINK you owe them a bit of time once you complete the program, could be wrong on that second part though