NC medic to get credentials back


Forum Lieutenant
SO...I dont know it the word has gotten out about this or not, but remember that story where Franklin County NC paramedics decided that someone could be dead while still breathing??? NEW UPDATE in ongoing melodrama:

It SEEMS that this medic has commissioned the State office of EMS for the return of his credentials, and his request was GRANTED. Stunning, I know, but the State has told Mr. Kilmer that is he repeats ALL of his EMT training (Basic, I, and P) that he will be eligible for rehire in the state of NC. Charges and decisions are still pending on the volunteer FF/medic that said he didnt feel a pulse on arrival. I think another 60 days before a decision is rendered on this gent. The parents of Mr. Purdue are outraged (cant say I balme em) that this medic would be allowed to return to the street.

IF, he is able to find a job, I'm sure the state will require he provide his own brand-spankin' new NC-only issue body-bags with a tribute to this Franklin-county fiasco-----they all have zippers on the inside.