My foot in the door?


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Ok so today I went in and turned some applications in today. Well at one of the places that I went to I talked to the guy that does the hiring. He said that they are a ALS only company but he doe's use basics. He told me he could use me on a ped's truck. As he explained it what I would be doing is running a rig by myself and going from hospital to hospital picking up ped's and prenats and their teams and taking them to other hospitals. So I guess I could consider this a foot in the door. I told him I was planning on getting my medics degree and he said thats very good.
sounds awesome, id definitely go for it unless you may have a better opportunity lined up, otherwise this is great experience and we all know experience is better than $ when your starting out!
There you have it: Seek and ye shall find!

Excellent work. You're a good role model!
Good luck!

Peds and prenats are pretty interesting, and can be lots of fun. They still kinda scare me, because my education in that area consists of what I've been able to pick up alone and a couple really specific CE's that have yet to be useful, but I always learn something on those calls.
I am not sure how much I will learn because I dont think that I will have that much patient contact. Pretty sure im just going to be a driver but heck it beats my old job hands down.
Ok so today I went in and turned some applications in today. Well at one of the places that I went to I talked to the guy that does the hiring. He said that they are a ALS only company but he doe's use basics. He told me he could use me on a ped's truck. As he explained it what I would be doing is running a rig by myself and going from hospital to hospital picking up ped's and prenats and their teams and taking them to other hospitals. So I guess I could consider this a foot in the door. I told him I was planning on getting my medics degree and he said thats very good.

congrats. hope all works out well.
Thanks everyone. I can't wait to start. I have to go in next monday for a 12 hour ride along with one of the crews. Hope this works out.
I got my foot in the door one. The proceeding ambulance ride worked out well. They only dropped me once.
Keep us posted, your my new role model!! Don't let me down. LOL
well i did my 12 hr ride along today.. man was it boring lol. didnt have any calls til the hour right before i left. one was a refusal and the other.. well the other was a different story. got called out for a unresponsive male against the side of a building. we show up and the leo is there and informs us the shelter refused the guy bc he was drunk. so we proceed to check and see if we can get him to respond to us. nothing worked. so we loaded him up on the stretcher and in the ambulance he goes. the medic i was with told me to get vitals from the guy. so we take his 2 jackets off and i go to straiten out his left arm to get the bp cuff on and he resists. so i straiten it again and he opens his eyes. I try talking to him and telling him what im doing and he just stares at me. I try and straiten his left arm out again and he takes a swing at me. Luckily im not a slow guy or he would of connected with me lol. Finally got him calmed down and got all the vitals and everything was ok except he was very intoxicated. We took him to the ER and well they weren't to happy with us lol. While we were doing paperwork the doc was checking him out and when he put the tongue depressor in the guys mouth he bit down on it and wouldn't let go lol.. the doc tried pulling it out and it just made the guys head go back and forth.. needless to say we were laughing as we walked back to the rig.. Hopefully I will be getting a cal from the company saying I have a job. If not I had another company call me for an interview thur at 2. Wish me luck yall.
how long would yall wait for a call back from a company before you called them?