Medic Training International


Forum Ride Along
Hey, I am wondering if you guys know much about this new online paramedic course that is starting up which is called: International medic training in conjunction with Crowder College.. course Paramedic program for international students.


(1) Can you use or transfer this paramedic qualification into New Zealand or Australia?

Anther topic i was wondering about can you use an ARMET EMT-B in New Zealand or Australia?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Forum Crew Member
I dont know much about it. Call them for info. Are you thinking about taking the course? Are you an international student? By reading the description one could be confused. It says it is good for international students, yet at the same time says that the course is completed within 2 semesters so the student would have to be in Missouri for the duration anyway...making it hard to be an international student. Only way to find out is to call.

If you are international, there is a medic program through laureate university (an international univ). It teaches a paramedicine program that is pretty good, teaches you about more meds and procedures than USA medic schools due to less strict health care laws in some other countries.

Let me know what you find out about Crowder.


Forum Asst. Chief
Hey, I am wondering if you guys know much about this new online paramedic course that is starting up which is called: International medic training in conjunction with Crowder College.. course Paramedic program for international students.


(1) Can you use or transfer this paramedic qualification into New Zealand or Australia?

Anther topic i was wondering about can you use an ARMET EMT-B in New Zealand or Australia?

Thanks in advance for your help.


To practice as a Paramedic in Aus you generally need a Diploma of Paramedic Science (or equiv) issued by an Ambulance service, or have completed one of the many acceptable paramedic degrees. Training is essentially degree only now with all internal (paramedic) programs with the various states ceasing and shifting to degree qualified.

Many Ambulance services also have a requirement for a structured graduate year after university, so essentially you are looking at 4 years to be fully qualified.


Forum Ride Along
Yep i am thinking of doing the course has it seems like it would a lot easier to get threw it quicker than where i am at mo and the experience of traveling and study aboard in a different country..

You are right its a little confusing. The info i got is that its about 20 weeks online doing the theory side, then 14 weeks in missouri usa with Crowder, doing hands on skills practical internships has well preparing to do the exams.This site seems to give a little more detail.. still waiting on more info from Crowder...


I just don't want to spend a lot of money if i can not use this qualification in my home country.

will look at the uni you mention, thank you for your help.


Forum Probie
I just don't want to spend a lot of money if i can not use this qualification in my home country.

MTI costs 11k. Plus you need to have a student visa since you will be in the United States for more than 3 months.

We offer a US paramedic certification where you can do your skills testing here in Ireland after your online training. That minimised your time in the US down to 7 weeks. You don't need a student visa and can do this on a tourist visa.

Plus it is a lot cheaper to go through PERCOM in Texas. That is where you do your clinicals.

PERCOM has the highest pass rate of all online paramedic programmes and they were the first to get the online paramedic certified through CAAHEP.


Forum Ride Along
Answers about Medic Training International

My name is Evan and I'm the director of operations for Medic Training International.Here are a few quick details about the program. If you need more info, feel free to email me directly.
Crowder College has been running paramedic courses for quite a long time. The international program is a hybrid course based on their accelerated course. The normal course is two years long. The accelerated course compresses the same hours and requirements into one year. The didactic or theory potion is actually 27 weeks long. The next course that starts June 4, 2013 will run until December 6th. That is a summer semester and a fall semester. That portion of the course is completely online and will be completed from your home country. No travel I required. Once that portion is successfully completed you will travel to the USA in January for two weeks of practical skills training. That is followed by up to 12 weeks of hospital and field internships. During that period of time the students will complete ACLS, PALS, AMLS, and National Registry text prep. Then the students test and they are done. The course awards 36 college credits. You can combine those credits with other credits that can be earned online for a degree in EMS management.
MTI is also arranging post graduate internships for those requiring extra hours and experience for their home country. There is a clause in the student visa provisions that allows the students to work in the US for up to a year as experiential training. You have to apply for the work visa but we have an attorney that helps with the process of applying if you are interested.
You do need a visa for the course be it is credit issuing but Crowder College has an international department that does all the processing.
The next class that starts in June is filled BUT we were able to open five more seats. We are working on the schedule for the next course which will probably be January but is not yet officially announced.
MTI can arrange housing if you like at a group discount.
If you have any other questions,I'll keep an eye on this thread or email me through the website.