medic school


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hey all, I start medic school at the end of august and was just wondering if there were any tips, tricks, or ideas on how to make the best of it. Any comments are welcome, and if there is anything that should be bought to help, please let me know!! Thanks
hey thanks you too!!!! let me know how it goes for u!
Don't fall behind on your studies. That's really all there is to it.

Find out how you learn best (Listening, reading, watching, doing) and do it that way.
Tell yourself you have no life and all you do and will get to do is studying. Study, study, study. I pretty much read, do workbooks, go to the skills lab and practice, review, go over anything with my study team. No time for anything else. After each and every class, just go straight home read and review. I find it reviewing and reading right after lecture really helps out. Good luck
As my main instructor said the first night of class

"There will be 3 of you who study your (butts off) and fail. There will be 3 of you who barely study at all, and pass with flying colors. The rest of you will study your butts off and barely making a decent grade. Those are the students I care about"

Be the one of the 3 who doesn't have to study much to ace the class. ;)
Linuss is correct; stay on top of your studies and find the method of study that works best for you. For example, I am finding out that writing out key definitions as I'm reading the chapter helps reinforce what I have learned.

Good luck and do well!