LP12/LP15 Uploads

Medic One

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Does your service upload 12 leads to the ER. We have for about 2 years and of the few hundred I have sent in only once was the cath lab opened. Is it really worth uploading all calls (besides NRS).
We've been doing it for years on our LP12s. Our hospitals will actually activate the cath lab even if we don't transmit, based on our word an interpretation. Gets activated all the time, with Excellent door to balloon times
We can transmit to our base hospital.

However, we have Code STEMI protocols where we can activate the cath lab solely off of our assessment and interpretation.

Infact, I had an NSTEMI a couple of weeks ago where the cath lab was activated right as we walked in the door solely off of my 12-leads.
We didn't upload, but they would open Cath lab on our radio/phone reports, and we would bypass the ED and go straight to Cath
We can transmit to our base hospital.

Even though we are a small service (2500 calls per year) I'd like to be able to do this if we could. Right now we can transfer everything from the LP15 to our ePCR system but that is it. Do you have any idea what technologies, products, and services need to be in place on both ends to make this happen?

I assume as a minimum you need internet in the trucks but beyond that I have no idea how to put this together. I've heard something about LifeNet. Are you using that?
You can use lifenet. But on the cheap,use cellphones and fax machines. Not quality, but does work.
You can use lifenet. But on the cheap,use cellphones and fax machines. Not quality, but does work.

Yeah, LifeNet is the system we use, but it is fairly expensive. Was a challenge trying to get all of our ERs on board with it and we're a busy system.
No transmission or upload capability. Hospitals likely wouldn't care anyway unless the computerized interpretation on the 12-lead print-out actually said "STEMI" or some such.

The LAFD station I was an intern at could transmit their 12-leads to one of the hospitals in its district (oddly not the base hospital though), but this was simply never done. Wouldn't change anything anyway either.
You can use lifenet. But on the cheap,use cellphones and fax machines. Not quality, but does work.

We used cellphones with the LP12s, but the new LP15s have a direct Bluetooth connection to the truck (which has a wireless connection, might be lifenet) and can upload 12-leads to any of the local cath capable hospitals. STEMI alerts, however, are initiated by the paramedic and only confirmed by the hospital, I believe, so we have very good balloon times. Whether this is all necessary really depends on your system. I have been working for a month, had two STEMIs, one of which I rolled into the cath lab, so this is a well utilized feature here.
We upload from our LP15 to our laptops for reporting on all calls.

We activate STEMI on Paramedic interpretation only and transmit to the cath lab as an FYI.

As part of the STREAM thrombolytics trial we do transmit ECG directly to the on-call cardiologist for interpretation, randomization and then enrollment in the study group. This is done as a research control though.
We have that capability. However we upload through a cell phone and it is not always reliable. It also takes about 4 minutes to reach the destination fax after it goes through a server or two. We are however suppossed to be getting a bluetooth link to our computer and then it will transmit in less than a minute.