Looking to become an EMT


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Hi, everyone so I am interested in becoming an emt, I am currently a firefighter in pa, So I am here to ask you guys and girls questions about some things. Where I live in pa is close to the border to nj where i use to live. now going by information i have been given, whether i decide to take emt in pa or jersey it wouldn't matter considering i can apply for recoprocity.

So my first question is,
Should i take my emt in jersey or pa?

second question,
How hard is the NR test?

third question,
has it been hard to find a job after the fact?

I've been a firefighter for quite a few years so I am use to the whole nine yards, cardiac arrest, mva's burn victims, assisting the squad for lift assist etc, But i never done anything other then that. also I am a lifeguard as well. so as you can tell I am use to emergencies so I figured why not take another step and see about getting my emt, Id like to try to eventually become a paid firefighter and I know in some places its required to have both firefighter 1 and emt as well.

The one question i failed to mention earlier, is that I am hearing that Pa is changing their coarse a little by offering a EMT-I instead of EMT-B meaning the I's can do a little more then B's in both jersey and pa, almost similiar to a medic but not quite a medic, Is their any truth to this?

Thanks for reading my posts and hope to hear good feedback.
The answer to your first question is where would you rather live and work? It's a bit of a faux pas to answer a question with a question but that is the best answer I can come up with.

The answer to your second question is a bit more complicated and dependent on a few factors. Number one is how good are you at taking tests? The second factor is reliant on the emt program you choose. My basic class was designed to prepare me for the state test which was far easier than the NR. As a result it took quite a bit of extra preparation on my behalf to get myself up to the level to pass it.

I would talk to potential emt basic programs you are interested in and see if they're designed for state or national levels.

I would say your third question is what do you mean by job? Most private companies are as desperate to get emts as a rock star is to get cocaine. You won't be doing much as far as 911 and emergency calls with them. Mostly picking up mamaw and taking her to dialysis. An important job but hardly exciting. Many primary 911 companies have a list a mile and a half long for emts. As a result they usually only take the ones with the most experience and qualifications. You may have to pay your dues by working at a private company for a while. At least this has been my experience and my observations as a medic for primary 911. Being a firefighter is a bit of a leg up especially if you're trying to get on with your local ems agency you have already networked with the medics in your district.

I doubt highly that PA will completely phase out basics in favor of Intermediates. The NR is condensing the various intermediate levels. Get your basic, do your ride time and see if you enjoy working on a truck, which is different than the jolly volley game.
Thank you for your response,

to answer a few questions back, I am not the best test taker in the world, but if given the time and patience i believe i could do it. nothing easy in life so i have to work with the cards iam dealt with so to speak.

I am not really looking to work for a transport company but rather i 9-11 company, and Id be more useful with my fire department especially on auto extracations as well, also we have a QRS that we can get up and running if enough emt's show up, Our QRS is basically our utility running along side the ambulance in our local. so Id get experience that way as well.

the only reason i brought up the NJ/PA certifcation is because i have the opportunity to work in both states, and that pa is right across the bridge from jersey in many directions, plus it opens the door to more options if needed be.

I think if anything id go for the national register, but I am hearing thats on a selective basis. Thank you again for answering my questions.
Can you think of a particular agency near where you live you want to work for? I'd start there.

By all means go for the NR just keep in mind that not every emt-b program will set you up for success in that regard and that a lot of work and effort on your part and independent study is required.

See if your FD will pay for your emt card. Mine did back in the day.
Can you think of a particular agency near where you live you want to work for? I'd start there.

By all means go for the NR just keep in mind that not every emt-b program will set you up for success in that regard and that a lot of work and effort on your part and independent study is required.

See if your FD will pay for your emt card. Mine did back in the day.
they would infact pay for it, but that's really depends on if i pass, but my department is tight on money right now, so its not even a guarantee if they'd pay for after the fact regardless. I gonna look around some more as well, see who offers the best coarse.