Looking for volunteer EMS agency near Vallejo, Ca.


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I am on active duty in the military and transferring to Vallejo, Ca next year. I need some help finding a town that has some sort of a volunteer EMS program at the Paramedic level to live in. I have been a volunteer for 23 years and don't want to stop now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Mark S.
Good luck, Mark. Granted I'm in SoCal, but, I've yet to hear of a "local" volunteer EMS agency here. You *might* be able to find a division of CalFire that accepts volunteers, but, you won't be just a P.
Good luck, Mark. Granted I'm in SoCal, but, I've yet to hear of a "local" volunteer EMS agency here. You *might* be able to find a division of CalFire that accepts volunteers, but, you won't be just a P.
Does CA still have anti-volunteer laws?
That area of California is full of huge contracts for hospitals, BART and EMS. Even SF may have to get competitive with an open bid for EMS.

The hospitals including the corperate chains (Kaiser, CHW, Sutter) have some very specific specifications in their contracts and keep the private services very busy. I don't know how well it would fly with these corperations if the agency said they had volunteers and not guaranteed staff.

So, no, I have not heard of any volunteer companies in the SF Bay area.
Well that isn't sounding very good. Do any of the paid departments suppliment with volunteers? It looks like my only other option is to try and get a part-time paid position with someone. :sad:

Anyone else have any info????

I'm not entirely sure Foxbat. But, if we do, it's not ALL volunteer work. I'm currently involved with one agency that does pay administrative people, but the operations are actually volunteer. And, I volunteered with the Red Cross, before that article was written, and they paid only certain people.

Many of the laws here, though, are definately anti - EMS volunteer. For instance, can't respond POV, so, no need for your lights.