Looking For NREMT-P After Military Service


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I'm currently an 8404 Hospital Corpsman in the US Navy who will soon be leaving active duty. On top of my emergency medical training and experience working as a combat medic, I am also a civilian EMT-B and have over five thousand hours working experience with the base fire department. When I leave active duty, I'm looking to become a full-fledged Paramedic.

I was wondering if anyone here could let me know of a NREMT-P program that makes allowances for students with loads of prior emergency medical experience. Now, I fully understand that I can't leave the military and automatically be a paramedic - paramedics do things far more advanced that field medics do. I also understand that civilian medicine is an entirely different game than military medicine (keep in mind that I did work in a civilian capacity as well, though). What I was wondering was if there were any states where my military experience could be used to help expedite becoming a nationally registered paramedic, and if so where to find out more information about what is an acceptable subsitute for program training - I have official documentation of all my experience and exploits, as well as letters from EMS managers verifying my claims and total shift hours. The answer I seem to be getting from the registry folks I've contacted thus far seems to be "too bad, so sad" - which I guess I can understand, but it's just a little frustrating to have eight years of service count for exactly nil.

Any help you veteran forum-goers could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Don't take this the wrong way, but you have lots going for you already. With your certs and experience, as long as your driving record is good I don't see how you would have a problem getting on as a Basic with a county service. (At least around here) They pay your salary while you go to Paramedic class, and Uncle Sam pays for your tuition. What more could you possibly ask for? You are a shoe-in for a great job, and your school is guaranteed to be paid for. Did you take your pre-reqs yet? If not why? A and P is only 1 semester and once again our Uncle pays for it. I don't want to come off as harsh, but I'm saying that no matter how much experience you have had, you have not been trained in a NREMT-P curriculum, and I don't think a short cut would be the answer.
That's what I was looking for. All the answers I've been previously given are so vague that it's hard to make heads or tails of them.

I'm disappointed that the certification won't come to me faster than to others, but it's nice to know that people look favorably on basics with prior experience. And yes, you're right about Uncle Sam footing the bill for college (and for rent, too, which is all kinds of awesome).

Yes, I my prerequisite training is all done. All I've got to do is request enrollment.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.
The private services around here are all hiring, starting at around $13.50 per hour. Several of them will pay for your paramedic school (which is here in Columbia) with a 1 year contract. The county services are hiring sporadically, I think you would have a definite advantage there with your vet status and 7+ years experience as a basic. They pay up to 14.50 starting off for a basic, maybe more with experience. They will put you through school AND pay your salary while you're in class if that class is during your assigned work hours. They also ask for a 1 year contract. Either way you're golden as far as getting a job and school paid for. I think the paramedic course here is 10-12 months long.

First, thanks for your service. My paramedic program, RCC in Moreno Valley CA will waive the EMT experience for military medics who have served in a capacity such as yours. We had 3 prior service USAF medics in our class. The program is around 15 months long, but if you have your pre-reqs done, you will get a AAS in EMS from RCC. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Good Luck.
Talk to Acadian, last I heard they were thinking about, or trying to do a combat medic -> EMT-P bridge thing... They are based out of the S.E....
If you want to make good money the Navy and Marines are currently hiring all over the place. They are in the process of adding FF/Medics in most places and are often willing to send you to school while your working. Since you are a vet you would have preference.